A Lie(내가 했던 말 다 거짓말이야 )||Jisoo

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계속 헷갈린다 내 맘.
(My Heart Always confuse)
이 거짓 같은 사랑
(This Fake Love)
전부 다 알고 있다. 하지만,
(I knew everything. But,)
모두 했던 말 거짓말이야
(Everything i said just a lie)
모두 행동 하나하나 다 거짓말이야
(Every action is a lie)

Jisoo x Male reader pt.2
(I Don't Love You)
Genre: Angst
Warning: grammar error, typing error, some mature content
Word: 2133
Play the song on the top
-Baek A Yeon ~ Sorry to myself-

Jisoo POV

Blood splattered on the floor, I followed the direction where the blood was directed. I continued to follow the stain until I was in the bathroom, I looked at the half-open bathroom door.

I closed my eyes for a moment and took a deep breath and exhaled out, I opened my eyes and ventured to see what was happening behind that door.

I opened the door, and saw y/n lying rigid in a bathtub full of red water i'm sure it's because of blood from his hands. His right hand did not get in the water, and it appears that he cut his hand using a cutter, looking very deep in the incision.

15 cuts, maybe. I rushed to pull him out of the tub, and my guess was right. He cut his arms. I also hold the blood so it does not keep coming out. I tried to shake his body but he was never seen awake, I called his name, but still there was no reaction from him.

My tears keep coming out and can't stop. Why am I so stupid. He gave everything he had, whereas I, just threw it away so easily.

"y-y/n wake up. P-p-please for the last time... I-i'm begging..." I cried

"P-please, y-you d-deserve bet-ter than me" I yelled

"Please, at least. You're happy without me!!!" I scream.

Suddenly, there was a voice of a man behind me, immediately I turned towards the voice.

"Huh ... Poor this stupid girl. Hey, he's dead. What are you sorry for? Aren't you the one who hates him and doesn't want him in this world?" Said the man.

"W-who are you?" I said, stuttering

"Me? The Grim Reaper ... You ... have killed him, he such... A Good guy, he deserves a good woman like Jennie maybe, ... Or someone like that woman" said the grim reaper

I couldn't say a word and just cry, hugging y/n body. That Men begin closer to me and want to take y/n away from me.

"Let go ... He must be with me," he said then smiled

"No ... I will not let go," I said

"Geez ... Why are you so stubborn ... Really annoying me ... * sighs * ... Well, if that's what you want, I'll give you one chance." he said that made me look at him

"How do you want to take it or not?" He said then smiled

"I'll take it ... Whatever the risk is," I said, making the grim reaper giggle

"Nice, okay ... I'll give you time travel, you can change all the mistakes you make. And including the tragic death of your boyfriend. However, there are conditions you must meet, if you fail to take advantage of this opportunity, he dies and you... must bear the pain of your sin. Ah, Just a reminder.... When you look back at the sin you have committed, you cannot change it right then, the time I give is only one day. You will see your sin and wake up one day before y/n death. Ah yes, ... You must remember all the incidents that you have seen. Then ... I'll say goodbye, see you later... " He said and disappear.

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