그땐, 너무 행복했던 날들이였다(It was a day when I was so happy)|| Jihyo

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Jihyo x Male reader
Genre: Angst, fluff
Warning: grammar error, typing error
Play the song on the top
-Standing egg ~ Foolish-


'Waking up next to you was my routine'


"Morning... Hyo" I said and cupped her face

"It's still too early" she said lazily and rubbed her eyes

Her cuteness made me going crazy, i peck her 5 times. She responded with a giggles and i can saw her blushing so bad.

'Walking or cycling at the park with you was our favourite things'

We just walked and intertwined our hands and talking some random things. Well, i really really like when she told me what days she had gone through today.

The good things that made joy... Or some bad things that made angry.

Cycling on the hangang river with her was our favourite, Well... She's not so good at riding the bicycle.

So, i'm the one who teach her. *giggles* well, it felt like i'm teaching a 5 years old girl riding her bicycle, when she's fall i'm running into her like a father who worrying his daughter hurt.

'Being with you for 10 years is the best things i ever did'

God, now it's been 10 years I was by your side. It was a precious memories, we've been through, right?

Today we went to the movie theater, she texted me that I have to go in the theater first. Of course... Um, its a trick so that we can avoid the media and of course her fans.

And when the movie will finish, she must leave early and back to her dorm leave me alone watching the ending.

"*sigh*, right the ending."

Some people said the ending always be the best part.... Or maybe the terrified one.

Like Iron man in the avangers: end game movie, we must be willing to sacrifice for others. It's not the best part, but it's the best for US.

Right, us. Us? And now become 'you and i'
It's been like an arrow for ten years, that hurt you gave me everytime.

I may not good at making you happy with, but i'm good at lying to kept smile on you, so you don't have to worried about my feelings.

"I'm okay jihyo-yah.... I'm strong look!"

"Thank you y/n. You always smile on me, it's healing me and forget about my problems for a moments" She said and smile brightly




-Flashback End-









But, your tone is getting colder as time goes by. I know, sooner or later we'll be changes. Today i'm here watching all the news about you.

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