first time for everything

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*beep* beep* beep* *SLAM!*

"school here we come" I got out of bed and got ready for school. I got my lizard shirt, blue jeans, and black sneakers on before heading downstairs to make breakfast.

It was cereal with milk and orange juice, once I was done I grabbed everything and went out the door.

my name is max a foster kid since I was four. yeah, when I was four my parents got into a car crash either of them survived but so far jack and Maire Zimmerman has really taken me in as if I was one of their own kids.

"Hey Maxie how you doin'?" toby stopped me on my way to my locker

"doing well since you know"

"yeah I know" he sighed as the bell rang for our first day.

yeah, I forgot to mention that before but I can change into a dinosaur a t.rex if you know what I mean. it happened sometime before school started I don't know how. there was an orange ooze at the community pool but I wasn't the only one there at the time my guess is about 5 other kids that were in the pool with me when it happened. it turns out when one of the trucks in L.A took a turn while delivering that ooze lost a container and made it to arcadia's water and yeah.

it took some time to make sure I don't transform at random but I managed to get it under control. best of all I made some friends like Toby, and Claire and I'm surprised that they actually like me.

out of a few students here with green eyes and brown hair I'm managing to fit in here so far.

~timeskip to lunch~

"sigh time to eat" I got to the cafeteria and got my lunch.

"so far doing well keeping from becoming a dino at random"

"yeah you're doing well Maxie just in a few more hours and the first day is done"

"yeah so far no complications with anything today" we all ate our lunch while chatting about how was our summers were. well besides the incident of course but everyone seemed to have a great summer so far. the bell rang a few moments after we finished up our lunch and went back to the class that we were in.

~time skip to the evening~

"Alright, a first day down!" I sighed cheering that I finally managed to not transform during classes.

but something didn't feel right for some odd reason like I was either being watched or stalked by someone I was completely nervous. but a few familiar faces came by

"max? what are you doing here?" Jim was curious

"I'd thought I might take an evening walk to celebrate my first successful day at school that's all"

"it's not safe here head on home you'll thank me later"

"no tell me what's going on so that way I at least have a good reason why I need to get myself home!" I exclaimed but I didn't know what was behind me breathing hard against me and I froze

"well well what do we have for a meal" I jumped in fear as I took off running but the troll grabbed me by the waist pinning my arms to the side

"gunmar don't!" Jim pulled out some sort of silver trinket

"for the glory of merlin daylight is mine to command!" before my eyes he had a full suit of armor and a strange sword

"let him go" Jim commanded with his blade in his hands ready

"Jim wait, I got a better idea to scare this big guy off"

"max don't!"

"either that thing has his way with me or you'll be killed and I'm not risking either option, GO DINO!" I shouted as I glowed a yellow-orange with my mark on my right shoulder

I changed into a t.rex which i'm red with yellow stripes on the sides of my back. I growled and snorted at him telling him either go or get beat up by a bus-sized t.rex and his friends.

it took a but a single moment before gunmar was driven off for now and I returned to normal.

"max you did it you learned to transform and control it!" all of us cheered and I felt good knowing that i'm capable of controlling and transforming into my dinosaur form and back. I felt satisfied once the conflict was all over and went home

"sigh I can finally control and transform and back I feel so good it's heaven" I fell asleep with that feeling still attached to me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2020 ⏰

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