❝study with me.❞

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Prologue - 2/3


Isaac sat on the bench as he stretched out from sitting there. He was waiting— on her.

It was the evening now and the sun was beginning to set. Most students had gone home, Yet the girl still was nowhere in sight.

"Damn that brat is takin' forever. And she told me not to forget." Zack grumbled to himself growing very impatient. Why was he actually willing to sit and wait for this girl to return. It wasn't like he liked her or anything like that, honestly she was a the very least a burden to him. This is so dumb... he sighed. But he had nothing better to do. Nothing to do.

Part 2 - Study With Me.

"Dammit, I wish she would show up already." He groaned, then felt a light tap on his shoulder.

Shocked, he turned around to see the blonde right in his face. "I'm here. Sorry I took so long." It was half-hearted but she was surprised he actually showed up. He gazed at her still stunned then snapped,

"Your slow ass should've got a move on, I was waiting on ya!" "What were ya doing anyway?!"

She stood still. He really waited this long.. Rachel just couldn't beileve he'd do something like that for her. A girl he's just barely met. "I..honestly, I didnt expect you to be here.." she told him.

"Oh? And why's that?" He asked. She came around the bench to sit down next to him. Lucky for her she had a petite figure so the leg he had up in the way wasn't a big deal for her. She would've asked him to adjust himself but to put it easy, she didn't intend on going deaf.

"Hmm?" He raised a brow at her waiting for her response. "Because you really don't seem like the type to do that. Are you bored?" Rachel lightly laughed as she joked with a sweet expression on her face.

"Stop wasting time," he was feeling butterflies from how cute she was though he didnt admit this, he had to stop his gaze, "So uh, what was it that ya wanted t' tell me?"

"Since you're with me now I thought maybe we should be around eachother more. You know because that'd be your job.." she rambled and he couldnt help but tune her out from annoyance and cooly interrupt her,

"If yer gonna actually treat me like a dog, I might just have t' decline. I don't fancy following your every order and scaring off every shithead that tries to flirt with you."

His golden eye glanced at her, "Now that say it, it does sound that way but I really need to rely on someone."
"But I'll tell you what," she began, "we'll have to get to know each other better." She swiftly grabbed his wrist to yank him foward with her. "What?" Sounds like a fucking pain..

He broke his wrist from her grasp. "Where the hell are ya trying to take me?"

"To Study with me."

Rachel's petite figure paced in front of him , "Hurry, the sun's gonna go down before we make it to my house."

To where?!? Her house??!! Zack silently panicked to himself. What the hell was he getting himself into? And out of all things... "To study?!?!"

watchdog  ➼  zackray 《Yankee Gakuen AU》Where stories live. Discover now