Chapter two

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                        Dark Angel
                      Staring contest

I was rudely awaken, Yes! Rudely! The sun rose high and shined bright, but being the genius I am (not braggin), I had dark curtains so my room was pitch black. I was right in the middle of an amazing dream, but some DOLT! opened my curtain. The sun hit my eyes a I launched myself of my bed and onto the floor. Being the princess of the "mighty" Eraka, And not to mention, The daughter of Ordyues, the king all the angles in heaven and king of Eraka, our home realm, I would expect to atleast be left to sleep in. But Nooooo!- Dad says o have to be up early, "good angels are up early". With frightening speed I shot to my feet to catch the moron who woke me up, but the room was empty... lucky him I thought.
"Sissy" I spat.
My room was pretty much empty. The only thing worry staring at sat on the wall across my bed. A charcoal black frame with  pearl white edges that split into trident at each corner. The woman in the picture was beautiful (no no, not me). Dressed in a shadowy black robe. She had a brilliant white smile that radiated warmth and kindness. Her right hand brushed her maroon pin straight her to the side, revealing her neon blue eyes. In her left hand she brandished a beautiful weapon. On the hilt there where three rubies, one on each end and one right in the centre of the blade. The most inodinary thing about mum was that she had a slightly crooked nose (HA!!). But other than that she was perfect. The frame itself was exquisite and took at least a month to carve. Not to mention the name plate. It was pearl white and had a name engraved in it (nope. Not mines).
"Queen Ileaina"
"M-mum..." I quivered as I bit back a sob and wiped a tear from my eye.
"Good morning mam" announced a voice from behind me.
I was about to jump up and kung fu kick the moron who woke me up, sadly I wouldve killed him, and I recognised his voice.
"Butt boy" I whispered
He cleared his throat "uhhm I heard that mam".
"Ohh" I held back a laugh " sorry. What do you need Travis? I hope you have a good reason for disrupting me"
"Well yes mam, we'll actually king Ordyues, your father, would like to have a word with you" he spoke like he was issuing a new law. I don't know why he was so formal today,  his attire wasn't reassuring with formal when it came to his dressing.  I turned and faced him. He was wearing a black jeans and a dark blue t-shirt along a with a decent looking pair of white sneakers, it actually looked good on him. Travis didn't look like much actually, he had maroonish red hair and green eyes (mine are blue *wink wink). Then he had a scar on his lower lip (courtesy of me *wink wink but don't ask why). Despite being dad's boot licker, he really didn't have much of a life. He patrols the kingdom grounds looking for any irregularities but obviously! None, we're in heaven for crying out loud.
"Mam your father...." I cut him short
"Yea yea he wants to see me" I blurted and he looked stunned "let's go". I steppes forward but he walked up towards me. We were inches away from each other. I could smell apples, weird, must be his shampoo.
"Mam" he spoke in a quite voice "you might want to change out of your pygamas" and with that he walked of. My heart was still pounding! Why was is pounding. My head was spinning and my thoughts where fuzzy, but when I looked down it was certain, I was still in my pygamas. I turned and trodded over to the bathroom to freshen up. If he wants to see me he'll have to wait (laugh) princess Corah is serious about her morning do ups, Besides, it was only quater past one, so I was up early. I stopped in front of the mirror ,in my bathroom, and stared at my reflection. My hair, my eyes, my personality and yes... my slightly crooked nose, where mirrored images of mums. Saddest part about this? I've never met her  (sob). All I know about her was that she was a Queen with an iron fist, No one dared go against her, not even dad. She was feared in all of Eraka but she was also loved by manyIncase you're wondering. We aren't ordinary people, we're what you'd call, Angels  (yup.. the ones from heaven). We stay in a whole different realm called Eraka, but don't worry earthlings we still help your butts. I stay in the kingdom of Eraka, yes there are many different places in Eraka but we'll get to that a but later. Our kingdom is the main place in Eraka and it is governed by my parents (YUP) we're the BOSSES baby! However.... Eraka fell twenty one years ago when it lost its Queen, and funny enough I think even the underworld fell because we haven't received and attacks or work from them since I was born. They do still terrorise earth but not as intense as they used to. Yea mum died minutes after delivering me into heaven, or atleast that's what I have been told. I can tell it's a hoax because the story is wayyy of. I shook myself out of my daze and realised that I had enough staring for the day. Time to freshen up.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2019 ⏰

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