17: An Apartment Surprise

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Liam's POV

"Alright guys, we need to make a few changes to Bunny. Let's just say I found a little inspiration this past weekend. Here's what I'm thinking." With my marker, I began writing on the board. "Bunny's real name is Karla. Karla's dad passed away many years ago. Meanwhile, her mom was recently diagnosed with a terminal illness and only has a few months to live. Now with Karla being a sixteen-year-old who can work, she needs to support her family and what better or worse way for her to work than to become a stripper?" Complete silence in the room. I wasn't sure if anyone was on board. "We can add a little sex, a little romance, a little of everything in this novel."

"Brilliant," exclaimed Piper as he clapped his hands and stood up. "I absolutely love this idea. It makes much more sense than the original idea that we had."

"Oh shut up Piper," commanded Line. "You really think this is a great idea?" He found himself leaning against his chair.

"I'm surprised you don't think it's a great idea. It's right up your alley," Piper argued back. "And I'll admit," he turned toward me. "I reread 'Looking for Alaska' again over the weekend and noticed something interesting that I hadn't picked up on at first. Alaska's Mom is dead and she's only the way she is because of that. A parent can have a great effect on their child. It's part of growing up as a child and as a teenager. Hell, it's part of being an adult. All my life, I always worried about my parents and went to them for advice and such."

Ava's POV

On my way to lunch, I found myself looking for Giselle. I was able to pick up on some interesting things while I looked. Daniel was around the corner talking to a friend of his. Wasn't quite sure who that guy was. As they walked and talked, they smiled and said goodbye to each other as Daniel gave him a kiss on the cheek. Crap, that was definitely quick and odd. My instincts told me to follow him and sure enough, I found myself in the lunch line with him.

"Hey Ava, how's it going?"

"Oh, it's fine I guess. Can I ask you something? Are you an American?"

"Of course," he laughed.

"But you're not like Italian or French?"

"I might have a little inside of me. Why?"

"Never mind. Forget I asked.

Giselle's POV

After school, I was supposed to help Ricky move Gloria into her new apartment. I even invited Ava along with me for good measure. Ricky drove us all to the apartment with a few boxes in the back. Gloria didn't seem to have a lot. Within a few minutes, we arrived. It wasn't too far off from where we lived.

"It ain't bad looking, I'll say." A smile brightened her face.

"Mom, how were you even able to afford this apartment?"

"I didn't tell you? I was hired at Wells Fargo this morning. Bless that Jaxon Boy. He knows how to pull a string. A true blessing that place is."

"Maybe I should cancel my Chase Account," joked Ava trying to lighten the mood.

"Well enough chit chattin', let's get these boxes inside. There's a neat surprise awaiting inside."

All of with little effort, we carried boxes inside and got them on the floor. Once we were finished, a happy scream of a child appeared. There was a little girl running towards Gloria.

"Mommy!" she yelled. "Mommy!

She picked up the girl in her arms and held her. "Well if it ain't my lovely daughter Lady."

Ava smiled almost tearing up. My eyes were focused on Ricky who looked like he was about to faint. I think I also wanted to faint.

"What do you... What... Mommy? What the hell is this? Who the hell is this little girl?" Poor Ricky couldn't find the words to say.

Gloria put the girl down as she continued to run. "Ricky, you know better than to spit toilet words in front of a little girl. Anyways, that fine little girl is my daughter. That's what happens you have sex with strangers. They leave you with some interesting surprises like a little girl." She took a deep breath admiring the girl. "But someone did adopt her. Thankfully it was one of my good friends. I get to see Lady about once or twice a month. No way could I ever provide her with a good home."

"Where is this friend of yours right now? And are you keeping her?"

"Son, you ask a whole lot of dang questions. She dropped her off an hour ago so she could go to work. And I probably won't be keeping her. That all depends on how things go."

He had no response. Instead, he pulled out a cigarette and walked outside to smoke. This was obviously too much for him. This time around, I didn't want to go outside and comfort him. Gloria really didn't care either. She instructed her daughter to stop running and come meet us. Me and Ava walked up to the little girl named Lady and introduced ourselves. To our surprise, she was more than happy to meet us and asked a lot of questions.

"Do you like princesses? Have you ever been to Disney Land? Where do babies come from?"

Ava teared up in joy as did I. This was such an amazing moment. I don't know why.

"Can we watch her tonight?" I asked.

"Well, she's supposed to be with her mother tonight. But she's free this weekend. Would that work?"

"Yes," we both beeped in unison. 

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Next Chapter: Giselle and the gang take Lady to Peter Piper Pizza for a fun night out.

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