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A week went by and although things were working out with Merida, Higgs' fever s were still quite high. Eventually, they had to separate Higgs from Merida's room, much to his chagrin. Merida recovered and started to piddle more around the house.

Finally, Higgs was slowly coming around and his reduced ever so slowly...


Higgs opened his eyes and looked around the dark room. There was a funny smell in there and he realized it was a mixture of himself and some salve that was nearby. He coughed a little and sat for a second. His stomach grumbled and he yawned, looking around in a daze. He suddenly realized he was alone and bolted from his bed, running out the door.


"Here, roll this into the dough; it's getting stuck to the pin."

Edgar stopped rolling as Merida added some more flour to keep the rolling pin from sticking to the dough. She also covered the pin with flour and Edgar continued.

"Do you think Mr. Higgs will wake up soon?"

"I dinnae ken. He was muckle sick. Supposedly he is a werewolf this month but an he was so sick he couldnae e'en turn, weel..."

The sound of something thundering through the house made both of them look up as Higgs practically flew into the kitchen, catching himself on the doorjamb. He was breathing heavily and looked at Merida, his amber eyes staring deep into her.

"Y-you're still here..."

"Aye... as I said I would be... Mr. Higgs, ye and I need to have a discussion."

Higgs' heart fell. "A-alright..."

"Edgar, when the dough is all thin like, dip yer hand into the water and pat the dough to keep it moist until I get back." He nodded and she turned back to Higgs. "An ye'd meet me at the table behind the house?"

Higgs nodded as Merida grabbed a tray that had a teapot, two cups and saucers, and a small plate of biscuits and tarts.


Higgs sat at the table, the weight of the world settling on his shoulders as he watched Merida come out with a tray of sweets and tea. She set the tray on the small two person table and begin to take everything off.

"Tea?" she asked, holding up the small pot.

"Y-yes... please... I think..."

Merida made a face at him. "Ye want it or dinnae ye?"

"Yes... yes, I do..." he said a little more matter-of-factly.

So she plans to leave me while catering to me? That's a new one...

Merida poured their tea and poured cream and sugar into hers. She held up the small sugar spoon.


"Yes." She gave him three small spoonfuls of sugar. "What are you doing?"

"Serving tea, obviously. Ye dinnae like cream in yers do ye? I dinnae make tea often and I forgot."

"A little; and you know what I mean. Why are you doing this?"

"Cuz it's breakfast time... ye still haivering?" she asked with a concerned look.

"No... I..."

"Then best ye calm yerself an ye hurt yerself over the worry. Drink ye tea." Higgs took a small sip out of it. "Now, ye and I need to get a couple of things straightened out. One is: what do ye ken I'm doing?"

To Love A Myth - Book 1: Mr. Higgs and the Maid🎩✔️Where stories live. Discover now