Chapter 14: From An Angel

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Juvia wakes up, inside a glass tube. Naked and entangled by weird black branch-like tangles.

Where am I? Why can't Juvia move? What is this?, she thought as she has a mask that has a gas that makes her paralysed.

"Don't worry, you're going to be better when we're done with you.." The gentleman with a cane said.

Then, the tangles was now injecting something into Juvia's bloodstream.

What's this? Something is... making me feel,,, weird... and sleepy... before she knew it, she fell asleep."Now, you'll be one of us." One of them says to her whilst she's going to sleep.

What she doesn't know is that the 3 gentlemen are injecting Demon Particles into her. The same particles that the demons of The Book of Zeref have.

Meanwhile, the whole Fairy Tail guild are going around the continent finding Juvia, with the help of the Council and other guilds, they still haven't found her. But they didn't give up on finding her, and the most active is you know who, Gray Fullbuster.

Night fell and they still haven't find her. But he Gray didn't give up. He would search highs and lows and look into every cave, every literally everywhere, he was trying to find her Princess as he is her Prince in shining ice armour.

Erza tries to convince him that they'll search again at dawn as it was getting late and tell him that the Council will find her while they rest.

"Gray, we'll go back and find her, we promise." Erza promises him. "The council can handle this."

"But my Juvia..." Gray says it while looking at the distance, "She's somewhere out there, who knows what might happen to her."

"Besides, it's my fault that I hurt her feelings and I... was foolish of not think of her more seriously. Now, all I want to do is to make her happy and see that beautiful smile that warms my heart every time I see it."

Erza smiles and knows that everything that Gray says is genuine this time.

"I won't stop you, Gray." Erza said, "But please, try and get some rest."

Erza went back to Magnolia with the rest of the gang while Gray kept on searching for Juvia.

He searched in the forest, in the mountains, mountain caves, and eventually...

"Huh? I'm getting this weird feeling in this area." Gray noticed, "Don't tell me they're underground."

So, he dug down with his Ice Magic Drill and saw what he wanted to see.

As he was digging, a group of four broke hid Ice Drill and landed on top of a big rock.

Three men wearing formal clothing, one in a red gentlemen's suit, one in green, and one in black. But the other one is hiding behind them.

"Who are you?!" Gray asked them as he was on a bottom of the rock."

The gentleman in black said, "We are the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse."

"We are the four mutants: Austin Rolfson, bringer of Famine, Plague, bringer of Pestilence, 

Abraham Kieros, bringer of War, and our newest member, Angel, bringer of Death."

Then the one who was hiding behind the gentlemen jumped and attacked Gray but Gray evaded just in time. But it was Actually a lady.

Dawn broke and now Gray can see the face of the attacker and he was shocked of who it was.

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