Chapter 9-Date, Disaster or just plain Zeldris' bad luck

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(After all that stuff that just went down in last chapter) (Zeldris POV.)

Once Meliodas and Elizabeth went into our classroom I then came out of hiding and went inside as well and there he was seated behind Elizabeth playing with her hair as everyone was waiting for the teacher to get here

All she did was just sit there and giggle at his actions man at this moment my hatred for the older brother is definitely not the best but he just stepped in when I was gonna ask Elizabeth out and ruined it all that little jerk

snapping my self out of my thoughts I went and took my seat just as I did that king tapped me on my shoulder and asked if I was alright he probably noticed me looking a bit angry and upset but I couldn't blame him because I am

"Zeldris did you hear what I said" King asked, well I did have to tell him something or he would get even more worried "yeah I'm fine king it's nothing" I lied "oh ok" King said giving me a smile I just smiled back hoping he wouldn't notice that anger behind that definitely fake smile

Then at that moment the teacher walked in "sorry that I'm late I got caught up in stupid traffic" she said as she gave us all a smile "Well everyone if you could open your books up to page 459 then we'll get started" she said as everybody started getting they're books out I probably should too then

As I got out my book and opened it up to the correct page I started thinking

'At lunch Diane had to talk to Meliodas and King had to talk to me so then could it be possible that...'

'That this was a set up!' I thought 'It would make sense Diane could have gone to roof to talk to Meliodas about asking Elizabeth out and then at the same time King could bring me into the hallway and tell me to do the same' I thought as I started to put the possible/reasonable puzzle pieces of this situation

'Then again Diane and King could of had different intensions because I'm sure my own friends wouldn't just set me up if they new I have a chance 'I thought then clearing my thoughts away about Diane and King setting me up

'Maybe Diane and King were trying to give me and Meliodas a chance with Elizabeth although that it would a little stupid because what if me and Meliodas walked up to Elizabeth at the same time and was going to ask her out' I thought 'Geez this is confusing, what was they're intensions when they were putting this plan into action' I thought even more confused than before

'Ugh! I'll worry about it later for now I have to pay attention to class' I thought looking for the place in my book that the teacher was reading

(After class lets just say this was they're last class so school's out for the day) (Meliodas' POV.)

Me and Elizabeth were walking out of the school building when she said my name, not wanting to keep her waiting immediately I answered "Yes Elizabeth" "Well I was wondering when the date will be like what time and place" she said

"Well I was thinking that since tomorrow is Saturday that I could pick you up at 10:00 if that's fine with you" I said "Sure that would be great!" Elizabeth said getting excited

"Oh and where will we be going Meliodas" she said, at this I chuckled "That my dear Elizabeth is a surprise" I said "Oh ok well I can't wait besides I love surprises!" she said with a giggle

"So um would you like me to walk you home" I said hoping she would say yes "Sure I'd love you to!" she said grabbing my hand "Well let's go Meliodas" she said as she gave my hand a tug "alright!" I said and with that me and Elizabeth left the schools grounds

Jealous Much! (Meliodas x Elizabeth)+(zeldris x Elizabeth)Where stories live. Discover now