Chapter 11-The end

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Check out my new story called: Virtual reality (A Melizabeth Story). Hope you like it!

(Narrator P.O.V)

Everything was going alright once again.

Meliodas and Elizabeth were a couple and not just Big sis, Little bro. But in the end that's exactly how Meliodas wanted it. He didn't want to be siblings, he wanted to be together as boyfriend and girlfriend. Because that whole big sis thing was Meliodas' way of getting closer to the silver headed girl. But of course there were some challenges along the way.

Zeldris found himself someone knew. They started off just as friends who had sat down together at a lunch table and talked about stuff they liked, stuff they disliked and they both grew very fond of each other. But not too long after them getting to know each other Zeldris confessed his feelings to the girl and now they're dating and that girl would be the one and only (Isn't a little obvious) new transfer student Gelda.

So now there wasn't any reason to be jealous of his big brother and Elizabeth' relationship, when there was someone waiting for him all along.


now just like the title of this story says it's the end. Yay the book was completed! But don't feel so sad because, I'm writing another book called: Virtual Reality (A Melizabeth Story).

When you have finshed reading this last and final chapter of 'Jealous Much!' then I will be almost done with the first chapter for 'Virtual Reality (A Melizabeth Story)'.

I hope you liked my book and I hope you will enjoy my other one. I have to thank you all for being patient and waiting for these two chapters and once again I apologize for taking so long and shoutout to: jojoreigns for her/his support thank you so much your the best!

Love you guys so so much and I hope you all have a good morning/noon/afternoon/night byeeee!

Jealous Much! (Meliodas x Elizabeth)+(zeldris x Elizabeth)Where stories live. Discover now