More Fighting!

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I retired to T Tower. Apparently I had a security breach too. Waiting patiently in the parlor is Loki. "Wait, how did you get here?" I yelped.

"Well you threw me into the Tesseract," he said. "And I came out the other end here in this city. The last time I saw this tower, it had an A left on the side. And now it has a T. My guess was either the Avengers changed their name or someone else bought the tower."

"Correction," I cut in. "I renovated the tower. After my assault against them they just left this good pile of junk on the ground. So I fixed it up. It's now mine."

"Why the T? Your name starts with a U."

"No it doesn't. It starts with U."

"I just said that."

"You said it started with A."

Loki slams his staff against the ground and stands up. "I've had enough of your games, Midgard thing! And I will not tolerate with your stupidity anymore!"

"Whoa, easy Blue Boy. Your tongue is getting a little sharp."

"What did you just call me?" Demands Loki. I just tell him to look at his hands. Loki has changed his eyes to a red hue and his smooth skin converted to rough blue skin. I've got him mad, alright. "You just wait! I'll make you regret everything you've said and then you'll be sorry!"

"Really?" I said, eyes half closed. "So what are you gonna do? Run to you mommy and daddy saying 'Ultron's being a bad boy!' or you gonna head to the Avengers and scream 'Ultron took over your old tower!' Oooorrr, are you going to tell all the OC girls that love you from fan fictions that I'm being naughty? Possibilities aren't endless so stop in now and get your chance of going to jail 15% off!"

"Oh, aren't you a scream?" Murmurs Loki. His skin changes back to normal.

"Why haven't you attacked me yet?"

"Now that you mentioned it..." Loki thrusts ice towards me. My arm freezes against the wall. He flings himself at me but I kick him backwards.

Without him knowing, I upgrade myself while keeping him busy. Then Loki is hit on the head with the machinery. It quickly pastes armor on my already-armored body. Then I light myself I fire. "Hey look! I'm ripping of Johnny Storm!" I scream. My arm is unfrozen and I kick Loki across the room. He grunts before trying to freeze me again. I dodge the blast, reach out to grab him but my hand goes right through his chest. He also disappears. Creepy. I mean, what if I had just gone through his skin? Then I could have grabbed his heart...yuck, too disgusting to think about.

"Behind you." He kicks my back sending me to the ground. Something's odd about the way he's fighting. He's not fighting very hard.

I grab his leg and hold him upside down. "Something's going to explode in" BOOM! "Right on cue," I grumbled and dropped him to the ground. My scanners are telling me the explosion was for the Avengers New Base. How fun.

Angry, I haul Loki off into a room. "You can't escape here. I've copied your cells and found repelling cells to go with it. Try any trick but it won't work." He does but he can't perform a single trick, not even the simplest little magic trick.

"You'll pay for-" I tape his mouth and his hands.

"Quit repeating yourself! I scold. Then I leave him in the room.

Since I have to wait for my army to build I head off to my Dad's old lab and begin building. I think T Tower needs some more renovations on it. And I have plenty of downtime to kill!

lazy chapter name lol
also i love loki so much

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