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Beca's POV
"Becaaaaaa!? I have invited Fifth Harmony OMG!?"- My sister Squealed and I rolled my eyes."Shut Up, Robi! You invited them to see your Crush Allyson Brooke"- She pouted"I need To Slap you the bible she Gave to me.I crush them All! "- she said and i laughed.

"Hey stop laughing at me!"- she said "Im glad that you have moved on"- I said and she smiled "Comeon Beca its been 6 Months. Since we broke up. I know Aubrey is happy with Jesse now. And I am happy for them."- She said then leaned to my shoulder

"But seriously Robs? Do you Like Allyson Brooke Hernandez? I mean Since you met her and the girls. You never stop talking about her and them."- I asked"Im inlove with her but she's fucking... Straight like a stick Man! She might pour a Holywater to me if she know about it"- I laughed so hard

"Aubrey is straight too but you managed to Bend her. Maybe you can do it again bend Ally Brooke. I ship you A demon and an Angel"- I said

I really love this moment with my sister.

Buy the ways its been 8 months since i proposed to Chloe and 6 Months since Robi and Aubrey broke up the reason was Aubrey fell out of love with My sister but Robi Clearly Understand it.

"You Assho---leeee why the fuck you hit me a!!!!---Hi Allysin! Hi girls"- I chuckled..."Robi Mitchell! I said you should stop cussing My Gosh!"- Ally scolding her "Cussing is the best way to Expressed your emotions Ally."- Dinah said

"Cussing makes You Aca-mazing!"- Robi said and smiled

"Yeah And we kinda heard your conversation! And Aca-believe it that you Like to Allysus"- Camila said while Wiggling her eyebrows

"Aca-excuse me!?"- Robi asked

"Damn Little Mitchell just admit it already you Asshole! You Like Allysus!"- i said

"Ugh!! WhydidyoufuckingtellitBecaeffinmitchell!!"- She groaned and walked out. I just shake my head

"So You really heard it?"- i asked seriously and they nodded"Im so dead my gosh!!!"- I muttered

"I like her too!"- Ally said and smiled"What you like me too?"- Robi asked while entering again"Why are you here?u left remember?"- Lauren Said

"I realized that im so Cute to walk out. So i returned"- She smiled cheekily and she Wrapped her Arms to Ally's shoulder"Why so small babe"- she said then Ally nudged her.

"Im small but you love me"- Ally said "Of course baby I do love you"- Robi said then Smiled "Im inloveeeee with Ally'- My sister sang and i just shake my head.

"I love you too"- Ally said and Kiss her cheek"Too tall for Mom!"- Dinah said and we Laughed except for Ally who is Pouting.

"Stop the moment moment! I want you guys to fit your gown."- I said and they nodded


Wedding Day

Im at the Room with my sister. She's Pouting like a kid"Are you sure you are going to marry now?"- she asked me for the million time"Do i look Kidding about marrying now Robi Mitchell?"- I asked and she shook her head"Are you really sure?"- she asked again

"Why are you asking me like that?"- i asked softly "I dont know i just .. I just feel weird today."- she said then look at me with tears"Awwww my little Sister is crying"- I teased and she pouted "Aubrey is stupid for breaking up with you"- i muttered

"Awwww my two daughters! Are having a moment moment!"- Dad said "Dad!"- we both said.

"Hi there Beca i came here just to give you this gift"- He showed me moms Necklace"Your mom says. When youre getting married i should gave this Necklace symbolizes for her love and support for you"- He said

"Beca You are going to Marry now and im happy that you finally found your happiness.  I just wanna say being married is not easy but it is worth it as lonv as your love with each other is strong"- my dad said and kiss my Forehead "Hey Rob come join us"- i said and she smiled and kiss my cheek"This is it!  Beca"- she said.


Im nervous right now. What if she will run away? What if she'll not come.

"Jeezzz Little B! Calm down. Chloe will come"- Cynthia Rose assured me "Im just nervous. Damnnnnnn I think im going to pass out"- Robi laughed at me"You need to calm down Little Old sister.."- then she pat my head.

"Hey Babe! Behave and sit here"- Ally scolded her "Allysin is Appearing bye Becs"- then kissed my Cheeks.

"The Bride is here. Lets give her an applause"- The organizer said

And the song started to Play.

Without you.

Bucket full of tears
Baby know I'm here
I'm here waiting

She started to walk. She so beautiful those eyes. The way she look at me. Its like the first time. Its like we are having a flashback to the first time we met.

Close your precious eyes
And just realize
I'm still fighting

The girl that i have dreamt before ,Now im going to marry her right now right here.

For you to be with me
Sit under this tree
And we can watch the sun rise
We can watch the sunrise

Oh my gosh we might fight twice a day but i still love her. Her perfect and imperfections. Her dos and donts. Everything is perfect.

Five steps away and we will be official.

Wake up feel the air that I'm breathin'
I can't explain this feeling that I'm feelin'
I won't go another day without you

And now she's here with her father."Beca i gave you my blessings because i know you'll protect,Respect and love her. Please if youre going to hurt her bring her back to me "- Her Dad Calvic said"Sir as i promise i will love your daughter no matter what happens"- and he hugged me and gave Chloe's hand

"Hey there"- I greeted her and she looked at me. Its different she's a bit sad "Are you ok babe?"- i asked and she nodded

I know something is wrong but i cant be positive today! This is a special day for us.

"So before i start the ceremony of Bechloe's Wedding?. Is there anyone is against to their wedding?"- we waited for ten seconds

"Me!"- Chloe yelled and i looked at her "Babe what are you saying?"- i asked with confusion

"Im sorry Beca but i cant marry you"- She returned her Engagement ring to me and she run away. I saw Thomas waiting at the entrance"Chloe babe! Comeback!'- i chase her but she Went to the car so fast.

I tried to Stop her but i was too late . She run away."Beca!?"- Stacie and Robi with the Bellas here."She told me. She love me. She told me. She will never leave me. She told me she is very happy that we were getting married ! And Now where is she!? She ran away on our wedding day"- i muttered and i stood up "Leave me alone. I'll promise I'll be ok"- They nodded and Robi left she hugged me so tight"Cry on my shoulder Sister. Im here your little sister is here."- i hugged her tight and Cry until there's no more tears to get out on my eyes."Love sucks "- i muttered as i pass out.

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