Chapter 23: Cheater

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Beca's POV
Robi and Aubrey left the bellas house already. We cant still believe that they are gone and they have move to LA.

And i cant still believe that Chloe and I are the  Leaders now.

"Hey Little Mitchell? What are you thinking?"- Stacie asked me and sat beside me.

"Random things dude. Life Love Career"- i answered

"same here Beca. Im thinking about my future when i have graduated and left the bellas. You know that i really treasured the bellas. I dont want to leave but i have to"- she said then opened the canned beer"Want some?"- she offered me

I accepted that" Time is so fast. Just like before we are just freshmen and now we are seniors. "- and take a shot of beer

"im afraid to leave the bellas. "- she said

"Im also afraid to leave but  we have to. We need  to achieve our dreams our goals"- i said "Btw how is your lovelife?"- I asked

"I have no lovelife at all. Im waiting for someone who will impossibly love me back"- she answered and smile

"Do i know him?"-i asked

"You know her Beca. Not him "-she chuckled

"Dude seriously? Her?.. Who?Are you a Fucking Bi!?"- i asked

"Im a bi Beca damn it!. Im inlove with your sister. But all i can do is to love her secretly because she is my bestfriend and she is inlove with Aubrey."-she said

I was Shocked when she really like Robi.

"How?!"- i asked unvelievably

"I dont know i think i was inloved with her at first sight. Jeez She is so Natural and Weird."- she said"But im not hoping anymore. Im happy for her and for Aubrey all i can do is to love her secretly"- she answered

I pat her Shoulder"Its ok. You'll find someone who will love you"- i said

"I hope so Little Mitchell"- then take a shot of beer

"You know what lets change the topic ok?"- i said then chuckled

"You whats your plan with Chloe?"- she asked me"Are you planning to propose to her already? "-She asked

"Well we still not talk about that we are focus to be a bella. Maybe soon after we graduate"- i answered

"Oh comeon dude you dont need to take this so serious. You need to think about your plans too. Chill "- she said

Thats why we are so close.

"This is a serious matter Dude how can i?"- i asked

"Just enjoy dude. Thats the only thing"-she answered"Is that!"-Stacie pointed to my Left side

I turned to my Left side and then i saw Chloe and Thomas her ex, Walking together while laughing.

I clenched my jaw"This cant be."- i Whispered

"By the way Thomas thank you! for your time. I really owe you alot"-Chloe thanked Thomas and smiled at him.

But Suddenly i was shocked when Thomas Grabbed her for a kiss. Chloe responded i know she likes it .

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