The Natural Elements

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The Elements, the six fundamental essences of the fabric of the universe, (Earth, Air, Water, Fire, Metal and Spirit), had always been the responsibility of The Nexas, to keep them safe from those who would use them, and also contain their effects on the realms and realities.

It is worth knowing here, The Nexas are not a race of 'beings' as you think of such things. Although they can choose to take a "Path of Uniqueness" from time to time. They are a multiple and yet singular consciousness, which has more in common with resonant frequency than a physical form. And their own realm, of folded time and space, did evolve, as each Nexas uniqueness returned, discovering, in the process their own form of Ascension. They have a structure, a hierarchy of sorts, but each role is by their own choosing. The highest of which hold the title "Ka" as a prefix to their names. ("Akh" being of the Ascended)

The Elements too evolved, I found this out much later, but it has its relevance here to be shared. Not to a consciousness you would recognise, but definite "personalities" and in their naivety and innocence of understanding how the universe functions, they often were more like young children, acting out their thoughts with behaviour.

It was the Earth Element which started the chain of events to where we are now, deciding upon breaking free of its home, and wanting to see the universe.

The task to retrieve it, as it wreaked havoc in its wake, was put to Ka-Lanar, a Nexas Realm Hunter, revered by the Nexas Council. The Earth Element soon sensed recapture and in a desperate attempt to hide, buried itself with a planet, using it as camouflage.

Of course, it had no idea of the effect of its actions.

At first, the changes were subtle, but one lifeform found a resonance with The Element which saw them quickly go from leafy sentinels in a vegetative state, to having a sentience which wrapped around the planet. The trees.

On the heels of their elation, their song of joy in their creation, came the knowledge that their maker was also to be their doom.

The planet was quickly becoming unstable, and as they searched and drew more from The Element, looking for a way to call for help, it was one, Aris'tama, who was the first to find mindspeech, and she screamed across time.

It was that which I heard first. A strange, highly pitched needle of sound, from a corner I had only ever noted in passing. But there was no mistaking what it was, and along with the sound arriving, I saw an explosion of raging time storms burst into existence, so I subsequently dropped everything to hasten to the scene.

Ka-lanar had of course heard it too, so it came to be we both arrived in exactly the same moment, and almost the same location, as we literally bounced off each other's appearance. The trees, through their desperation, had evolved at speed, their mental screams were deafening, and we both knew there was precious little time.


That's all we managed to rescue.

Seven of the millions.

Their last voices as their world exploded into dust will forever haunt me.

The Nexas and myself made a pact. A way to prevent anything like that horror ever happening again. This was the foundation of The Sanctuary.

It had been my home for long enough to be called such, and overlapped into an era of human history which I was fond of, known as the Sengoku, in a phase shifted realm high in the remote mountains of Kai.

Special 'Houses' were wrought for The Elements, who were contained in vessels known as "Pendants", keeping them safe from themselves and each other. Ka-Lanar chose to take on the Spirit Element to be its embodiment. A wise choice is has to be said, and I can still think of no better.

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