Chapter 2

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    I continue to snoop for information, eventually leading me to call his bank.

    "Hello, this is Harper from Capital One Bank, how may I help you?" The receptionist asked politely.

    "Hi, Harper.  I'm..." I trail off and realize that I can't tell her that I'm doing an investigation on Phillip. He could be having an affair with anyone that he works with, including Harper. I quickly grab the paper with Lindsey's information on it.

    "I'm Lindsey Kole, Phillip Kole's wife. I'm currently locked outside of our house and he has the house keys. He isn't answering his phone. Could you check if he's working?" I ask, lying straight through my teeth.

    "I thought Michelle was his wife," Harper muttered, "Of course, I'll tell him to call you straight away." Harper says louder. Oh no.  My heart stops beating and so does my breath.

    "Oh, don't do that! Don't tell him I called. I just got home early from a business trip and I want it to be a surprise. I'm supposed to be in Australia right now." I say, panic lacing my voice.

    "Okay, that's no problem at all. Hold on for just one moment." Harper says. I immediately start breathing again and lay back in my chair. I'm put on hold and I tap my feet.

    "Kaylee Ann, are you making a personal call on the job?" Elijah teases and I jump in my seat. I sharply turn around and put a finger on my lips, telling him to be quiet.

    "How did I not see this? Kaylee Ann has a boyfriend, finally!" Elijah continues, chuckling and tries to take my phone. I shove him out of my office and hope Harper doesn't take me off hold and my cover be blown.

    "Will you shut up?!" I exclaim, sending him a harsh glare. This just causes Elijah to erupt in laughter.  I turn to mute my phone but accidentally hit the speaker. Right at this moment, she takes me off hold.

    "Mrs.Kole? Phillip isn't here. He normally works until 5 on the weekdays, but today he took off for a doctor's appointment. Wait, is that Phillip with you right now?" Harper asks. My eyes go wide and so does Elijah's.

    "Yes, it is. He was mad at first because he doesn't like surprises. But, he's gotten over that now. Thank you for checking. Also, when Phillip returns back to work, don't mention to him about knowing that I was going to surprise him. He may not take it well that I told you and not him." I explain and look at Elijah to see if it sounded believable. He assures me it was by giving me a thumbs up.

    "Oh, no problem and I won't. Enjoy your time with Phillip. Bye." Harper says.

    "Bye." I say and hang up the phone. I put a hand on my head, feeling a headache forming.  Elijah erupts in laughter.

    "Shut it, Gardener." I snap, rolling my eyes. I cross my arms and walk back into my office with him following close behind. I try to hold in my laughter as Elijah's laughter was contagious.

    "You were so close to getting caught." Elijah manages to say.

    "You're also close to getting a black eye." I tease. I finally cave and started laughing along with him.

    "You're so tiny, you can't give me a black eye." Elijah says between laughs, stepping closer to me. I crane my neck up to give him a cold glare.

    "Do you want to test that theory?" I ask, balling up my fist and raising it.

    "Do it." Elijah says, lowering himself to be at my level. I lift my fist higher and his eyes shut. I'm not an idiot, so I'm obviously not going to punch him just because he said, "Do it." I instead flick his nose and he grabs his nose in pain. I double over in laughter.

    "Are you a wimp? Or am I strong?" I ask.

    "Either way I lose." Elijah pouts. I smile and he finally lets go of his nose.

    "What are you guys doing?! You have work to do!" A loud voice booms in my office. I turn to see Mike, my boss, at the doorframe.

    "I was doing research and my computer started acting funny. So, Elijah helped me fix it." I explain, trying to sound believable.

    "Oh. Well then, thank you, Elijah, for helping Ms.Mitchell. Now, get back to work." Mike says. I try to not roll my eyes at the way my boss likes anyone more than me, including his ex-wife.

    "Yes, sir." I say, sitting back down in my chair. I hear them leaving my office and I put my head in my hands, letting out a big breath of air. My eyes shutter close and I finally found peace. That is until a lightbulb clicked in my head.

    I get up and pace around my office. It's small, but not claustrophobic. I look at my desk to see the papers in the file. I scramble through the papers to find the location of the bank and Phillip's work hours. I kept scrambling until I realize the paper I was looking for was on my computer keyboard. I hastily grabbed the paper. Then, I look at my full-length mirror I had in my office and took in my appearance. My brown hair was placed in a high ponytail and I was wearing black pants with a peach blazer, a white button-up shirt, and black heels. I hurry out of my office to the lobby. I was almost out when I stopped dead in my tracks after hearing my name called out.

    "Kaylee? Where are you going?" Delilah asks. I turned around and walk to her desk.

    "Lindsey didn't give me a lot of information so I'm getting it myself." I explain and turn back around to walk out.

    "But, you aren't allowed to leave during work hours." Delilah protests. I walk quickly up to her and scribble my number on a sticky note. I also write an explanation on it.

    "If Mike needs me, tell him to call this number. Tell him I left it on your desk and you were using the bathroom. You won't get in trouble Delilah." I say. I then turn and practically run out of the office. Here goes nothing.

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