School Supplies: Silver Required

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He pulled his phone out of his pocket and started to scroll down his contact list when it dawned on him that calling Bobby and explaining what he needed, even in some sort of code, was probably not the best thing to do while he was surrounded by people. As soon as that thought hit him he heard his name.

“Sam! Hey!”

Shoving the phone back into his pocket with a barely concealed snarl he turned to look in the direction his name had come from and swore, “Damn it! I do not need this right now! He'll want to walk with me to the dorms.” It was his current roommate, Terry.

“Hey Terry. What's up?” He managed to keep his tone mostly friendly.

Terry's head barely came up to Sam's elbows. Standing about two inches over five feet in height Terry was the epitome of that studious, mostly unpopular, college kid that would be the guy that the CEO always said he relied on but never actually rewarded. He already had a receding hairline, was average looking and his stoop shouldered posture reduced his height even more. Terry never stood up for himself and became completely mute if he was within ten feet of a woman. Sam found it immensely ironic that Terry looked at him as someone that had all the advantages in life merely because he was tall, decent looking and could hold a conversation with pretty much anyone. Terry's parents were both still alive and working in San Francisco. He had a younger sister and had never been yanked out of school, driven half way across the country and enrolled in another school, only to be jerked out of that school three weeks later. Sam found himself viewing Terry as something close to a younger brother that needed a serious boost in confidence and had started giving Terry advice on how to deal with people, which added another level of surrealism to his life at Stanford.

Sam shortened his stride so Terry only had to take two steps to his one instead of three. Terry caught up to him and craned his head so he could look up into Sam's face. “Did you hear about the party tonight?” he asked.

Partying was the last thing on Sam's mind, “Not yet, why?” He already knew the answer. Terry wanted to go but was too timid to go by himself.

Terry actually blushed and Sam stopped just short of groaning out loud. “Well, we've been hitting the books so hard,” Terry stammered, “I thought, maybe we could use a break? Carl and Sean are going, someone said Jessica may go too. It's at Pat's place, which is huge and he always has a ton of people over.”

At the mention of Jessica, his focus wavered. Tracking down a werewolf in a city as big as this one would be close to impossible and he only had three days to try to stop it before it struck again, yet getting another chance to spend some time with Jessica was something he didn't want to pass up either. “Don't be stupid! If you don't gank the werewolf and it kills her you're the one who screwed up. Why the hell am I yelling at myself in Dean's voice? Gank? Really?” He shook his head to clear his thoughts and looked at Terry. “That sounds like fun, but I can't go. I got called into work, last minute. Sorry man.”

Terry's face collapsed, his shoulders hunched even further forward as he looked down at his shoes and mumbled “Oh, that sucks. Okay, no problem.”

Why do I always feel like I kicked a puppy when I tell him no?”

Look, I'm sorry man, really, but I need the money.”

“I know, it's okay. I should probably study for Monday's test anyway.”

An awkward silence accompanied them the rest of the way to their room. Since Terry was with him, Sam had to get his work clothes and act like he was going to the coffee shop. Terry was lying on his bed with his earphones in dejectedly looking at his laptop when Sam left the room.

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