Teethmarks and Taking the Fifth

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 Sam finished well after Carl, turned in the test and barely made it four steps outside of the room before Carl was walking next to him.

“Want to go shoot some hoops?' Carl asked “Take your mind off things.”

“Can't, I have somewhere to be. Thanks though.” He hoped Carl would get the hint and let things lie. He was surprised Carl had waited for him. He appreciated the fact that Carl was concerned and wished he could actually let him in. If he had normal people problems it wouldn't be so damn complicated and he wouldn't have to push someone away.

“Yet another deviation from your normal behavior,” Carl quipped.

Sam knew he was mostly joking but the lack of sleep and possibility of seeing Dean or his Dad again had decreased his usual tolerance levels. “Look, I appreciate the concern, but I'm fine. I just have some things going on. Just let it go, okay?”

Carl raised his hands and his face got serious, “Now I know what she meant. Damn, who are you Sam, really? Your eyes have been moving non stop since we started walking and you're coiled like a spring. The only people I have seen who act like this and have that look on their face are guys who've done tours in Iraq and just got back.”

“He's too good, damn it.” Sam headed to a quieter hallway that was barren of people and Carl followed. He stopped about midway down the hall and stared Carl down. Carl took two steps back, his blue eyes wary.

“I can't go into it,” Sam said, “It's a long story and you'd think I was completely insane anyway. I will be back to how I usually am in a few days. Just don't push it, don't follow me, don't keep asking. It never ends well when people know too much and it's not because of anything I do. Trust me. Just stay away from me for awhile. Please.”

He was forced to watch it happen, Carl's face went from wary to slightly walled off and distant. “I'm getting the feeling that whatever is going on would not sit well with the Board or the police.”

He didn't reply.

“Taking the Fifth?”

He just stood there.

Carl's face went blank. “Fine. I'll take the plausible deniability you're offering me. Just, whatever the hell this is, be smart about it.” He paused and a little of his usual humor came back into his eyes, “Most of my friends give me neck cramps when I talk to them because they're short, and you're one of the few that agree with me that doors should really be a minimum of eight feet tall, so, be careful. Got it?”

Sam couldn't help himself and started laughing, “Got it. Thanks.” Thanks was hardly enough to cover what Carl's words meant to him. If he could just make it through the next few days without attracting any more attention by Monday everything would blow over and things would be back to normal, hopefully.

“Well, I'll let you get to doing whatever it is that I have no idea about, nor do I want to know about. My lack of knowing will therefore render me unable to testify about it in a court of law.” Carl held his fist up, Sam bumped it with his and Carl walked off. He breathed a huge sigh of relief and headed to the coffee shop to meet Blaze.

He opened the door and almost didn't recognize her, the hair and the piercings were the only thing that were remotely the same as last night. Today she was wearing what looked like green plaid riding pants that were tucked into thigh high sleek brown boots that had full length zippers and a brown high collared shirt that reminded him of pictures he'd seen of the Victorian era. The buttons and zippers on the chest pockets were all made of brass and the shirt was fitted so it accented her figure. The most incongruous part of her attire were the old fashioned looking goggles sitting on top of her spiky purple hair which she had added silver tips to. It took several seconds for him to process the full effect of her outfit.

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