A threat

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Blake's Pov

Is everything ok with Y/n she seemed a bit off just a moment ago, it was like she was happy then in a split second her mood changed. I really do hope so. Maybe I should go check on her just in case. As soon as I open the door I see Y/n standing there in front of a girl with jet black hair. This girl was just oozing with confidence, but she was a little too overconfident. As though she had something up her sleeve.

Next to her, there was a dark-skinned girl with short light green hair. She seemed a little too sneaky, smug too just like her friend.  Lastly, was a boy with the air of being an assassin like he was raised to kill.

Y/n: "who are you?"

??: "my name is Cinder, it's a pleasure to meet you..." She spoke in a tone of condescension.

Y/n's [E/c] eyes brightened intensely, letting Cinder know that she doesn't take well to her tone. Even if it was a simple greeting, Y/n and I can feel the atmosphere was uneasy.

Y/n: "You smell like blood"

Cinder: "What...?"

Y/n: "I said you smell like blood, and so do your friends"

??: "Well aren't you a weirdo"

Y/n: "I guess you could say that I am" Y/n gave the trio a fake smile, bringing attention to her sharp elongated k9's.

Y/n: "Well I gotta go, I'm starting to get a bit thirsty" she walks passed them seeing Cinder shaking from fear.

Cinder's Pov

Emerald: "So Cinder we've infiltrated Beacon, what's our next plan?" Emerald looks at Cinder for guidance, but takes note of her standing in silence.

Cinder: "we do nothing for now, until I can figure out what to do about that girl"

Mercury: "what girl?"

Cinder: "the girl we just met in the hallway you idiot!"

Emerald: "what about her?"

Cinder: "if you two didn't get hint of how dangerous she is, then the plan is doomed to fail"

Mercury: "come on she can't be that bad"

Emerald: "she looks like a simple Faunus to me, considering her narrow iriss and sharp K9's"

Cinder: "she's not a Faunus or human, but to think that there's someone in Remnant who would make the queen look like an insect"

In classes...

Ms. Goodwitch: "Alright for the next match we have Ms. Silverheart going up against Mr. Black"

Cinder sits in the back of the room smiling, feeling confident In knowing that Mercury would be able to best anyone in this school. Well except for that one girl. The one who's name remains a mystery.

As soon the teacher called them up, Cinders eyes widened in fear.

Cinder: "so her names Silverheart... Emerald when the fight begins I want you to use your semblance"

Emerald: "what for?"

Cinder: "just do it!"

When the fight began Mercury charged at Y/n going for a kick to the face. Emerald used her semblance to make Y/n see illusions, yet she didn't move or flinch when the attack came. She just stood there like a solid stone wall.

When Mercury's hit connected his leg shattered to pieces. Revealing, chunks of metal and prosthetics.

The whole classes eyes widened at what had just transpired. Emerald now fully understands that this girl is definitely one not to be messed with.

Cinder: "she's a MONSTER!"

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