Cinder Fall

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Cinders Pov:

I stood there in utter fear, witnessing the power of (Y/n) Silverheart. She really makes queen Salems power seem insignificant. Seeing Mercury's leg just shatter to pieces, and not leaving a scratch on her face.

With Mercury out of the picture and sorely in need of a new leg. This plan has gone to hell! I need to find a way to end her. While lost in my mind I look at Emerald and ask her.

"During the match didn't I tell you to use your semblance on her!?"

Emerald: "I...i did use my semblance!! It just didn't work on her!"

"What the hell do you mean it didn't work!? Semblances don't just stop working!"

Emerald: "it was like I was trying to enter her mind to see her fears, but it felt like her brain was dead"

"Dead what do you mean dead like she's not even alive"

Emerald: "exactly"

"This doesn't make any since how can someone be dead, yet still attain the natural ability to speak and walk around"

"I'm going to look into (Y/n), while you find a way to get Mercury a new leg"

On that note I walked out the door ignoring Emeralds head bow, and setting off to find Silverheart. As I strolled down the halls I noticed these kids crowding the hallways, as if they had nothing better to do. In the corner of my eyes I see Silverheart kissing a... Shnee?

Hm... So Silverhearts gay, and to think that the daughter of Jacques Schnee would be too. This is certainly interesting, I wonder what else she hiding. I look to see them parting from each other, so I resume my investigation.

Later in Vale, Silverheart seems to hanging around to other girls. One who had long blonde hair and piercing sharp Lilac colored eyes. She seems to be the overly flirty type, considering she was all over Silverheart. Though I could tell she loved her from how bright and sincere her smile was. Also I could since the sexual urges she radiating from a mile away. Her k9's were just as long and sharp as Silverhearts, but she didn't have her pointy ears.

[A/n: Yes I'm making the Mc a elf! SO!]

The other girl I could tell was younger than the blonde. Simply because of how jump and energetic she was. She had short black hair with read highlight tips. Her combat uniform sorta reminded me of this old childrens book that I use to read. Little Red Riding Hood I think, anyway her outfit became less important when I saw her eyes. Just like blondy her eyes were sharp and...silver?

Damn! She may become a problem soon, have to find a way to deal with her too. After a while they stopped in front of a hospital, I stepped in closer to hear what they were saying.

Silverheart: "so this is the place!"

??: "this is where you get your blood from?"

Silverheart: "what... It's nice place!"

??: "it looks a little run down"

??: "Well I think it's adorable!"

??: "no offense Rubes, but you think everything is adorable"

??: "no I don't! Right (Y/n)!"

Silverheart: "....."

??: "so the nurses and doctors hear just let you drink their patients blood?"

Silverheart: "no Yang that would scare people, Professor Ozpin knows a doctor here and he let's me get a few pints of blood"

Yang: "what happens when you don't drink blood for a while?"

Silverheart: "I go into what's called a blood frenzy"

??: "blood frenzy?"

Silverheart: "it when my lust for sex increases sorta like a Faunus in heat, except a lot stronger. It's one of the reasons why so many people in my world were taken by Vampires. They either drank their blood or had their way with them"

Yang: "have you ever had one of these blood frenzies?"

Silverheart: "yes twice actually, once after  the initiation i didn't know where to find blood so i went without any for a week. I kept eyeing Ms. Goodwitch like she was some candy. That's when Professor Ozpin gave me the contact for this hospital. The second time was when the hospital was overrun with outrageously sick people, and I know I can't get sick because of the already dead thing, but the way you people cough and sneez it's ugh! Anyway that time i went without blood for two weeks. I really trying to control the urge to sexually assault Ruby. One day she decided to ware this perfume that made my heart flutter and made me light as a feather"

Ruby: "is that why you avoided me those two weeks?"

Silverheart: "yeah sorry Ruby... So now that you both are vampires, this is where you can go to get your fill"

Well this was an interesting conversation...

To be continued...

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