Chapter 5: Sexual Tension

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Precious Sins

Chapter V: Sexual Tension

[Adrien's POV]

"Your painting looks stunning as always Adrien. You are very talented!" Ms. Sawyer complimented. She stood beside me with a fond smile, focusing on the painting I was working on for our assignment. It wasn't quite done yet, but I was proud of what I painted so far.

"Thanks. I think this might be one of my favorite projects," I replied. Ms. Sawyer hummed, sitting down onto the stool.

"I can tell. You've put a lot of passion into this particular painting," She commented, "I knew this project would challenge you and quite frankly, you have done a beautiful job. I cannot wait to see it finished. Are you going to be applying to art school in the winter?"

"Ah...I'm not really sure," I sighed. Ms. Sawyer raised a brow, crossing her arms.

"Why not? You have talent. I have no doubt that the top art schools in the province will be begging to have you join them. What's making you second guess your decision?" She asked.

I shrugged, putting my paintbrush and pallet down onto the table beside me, "I don't know. I just...I want to be an artist. I want to show off and sell my works. that a steady career? I don't think I would be able to live comfortably just doing that."

What Marci told me the other day in art class was still at the front of my mind. I don't know why it was bothering me so much, but now that I was really thinking about it, what was painting going to do for me in the long run? When I looked at Preston working his ass off to get good grades so he could eventually go to medical school, a part of me envied that. He was striving for something amazing and as an added bonus, he was passionate about his career choice. In the long run, he would be able to live comfortably with the money he brought in.

Then here I am, trying to make a career out of something that isn't as likely to achieve. Painting should be nothing more than a hobby for me, but...what else did I want to do? I didn't have an interest in any other career choices. But I guess I had to start searching. College applications are coming up soon so I have to figure something out.

"Adrien..." Ms. Sawyer started. She looked serious that time, adjusting her seating on the stool, before she spoke up, "you should never base a career on the salary. In the long run, you will make yourself miserable. The important thing is to strive for something you are passionate about. If you love painting and want to make a living off of it, you should do that. It may be hard to start off, but if you are really determined, you will reach your goals."

A heavy sigh left my lips. I looked back to my painting, a heavy weight settling against my chest. Art school was my dream. Thinking about doing anything else other than art didn't sit well with me. Maybe she was right, but I was still hesitant.

"I...I guess so," I murmured. Ms. Sawyer smiled softly, placing a hand on my shoulder before she stood up from the stool.

"Whatever you choose to do, let me know and I can write a reference letter for any scholarships you apply for," She smiled. I nodded my head, returning the gesture.

"Thank you, Ms. Sawyer."

"You're very welcome sweetheart," She nodded kindly, and walked off. She called out to the rest of the class that it was time to clean up, before sitting back down at her desk in front of her laptop. I checked the time on my phone, seeing there was ten minutes left before the lunch bell. Releasing a heavy sigh, I stood up from my stool, grabbing the paintbrushes and paint palette, taking it over to the sink where I washed the paint off them.

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