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With heavy cardboard storage boxes piled up in my arms, I walked down the streets of busy Tokyo, my home. Although I've been living in Japan all my life that didn't prevent the strange looks my way. My mother's originally from the UK where she met my Japanese father on business. After marrying they decided to move back to Japan where they eventually had me and my two older brothers, Mason and Skylar. I've become accustomed to the looks, the looks reading 'Is she Japanese? She looks different?' Of course I have Japanese features thanks to my dad but because of my mother's tanned skin and forign features, they have in returned reflected my appearance.


I looked around before notcing my oldest brother, Mason, standing outside our house with a sad smile on his face. I gave him one in return, speeding up my pace. As soon as I reached him he took one of the heavy boxes from me.

"I didn't realise how much stuff grandpa had," I echaled, out of breath.

"You should have asked for help," my brother said, grabbing my box before I could protest and waling into the house. I followed and watched him place both boxes on the sitting room table.

"I handled it fine by myself. You have enough things on your mind to worry about."

"And you don't?" Mason's words hushed me. "Granpa's dead, Kat. This doesn't only hurt me but you too... Especially after mum-"

"I'll help you sort out all of this stuff," I quickly interrupted.

Avoiding eye contact, I opened the boxes and looked through my gradpa's belongings. Before I could get too distracted, Mason lightly grabbed hold of my wrist, stopping me from continued. I still tried desperately to avoid any eye contact. I didn't want him to try and read me.

"You never told me you were leaving so soon," he said. I silently shifted my feet. "Do you really think moving to Seoul is the best idea? With dad, out of all people?"

"What other option do I have, Mason?" I excalimed, removing my arm from his heavy grip. "I know dad hasn't been the greatest recently but he's my legal guardian and if he wants to move away from the memories of Japan then so be it."

Mason was quiet for a moment while he gathered his throughts, then finally spoke.

"I can look after you. Both of us, me and Skylar."

I shook my head. "I know you guys don't want me to go but I have to. And I don't really have a choice. It's not like you can stop dad. Whatever he says, goes."

All of a sudden a laugh, filled full of sarcasm, was heard entering the room. Both Mason and I turned towards the sound, seeing my other brother, Skylar, walking up to us.

"Exactly. Whatever dad says goes. That sounds just like what he said to our dear mother and then looked what happened!"

"Sky!" Mason growled, angrily.

It's been a while since he brought her up.

"What? Too afraid to mention the incident?" he continued.

"Stop!" I yelled.

Out of my two brothers Skylar was always the most difficult. That's a trait he took from my father, unfortunately.

"I'm leaving tomorrow on a one way plane ticket to South Korea to meet dad whether you guys like it or not." I took another deep breath, looking at the two of them. Their expressions were pretty different yet I could tell they both expressed some type of sadness. "I'm sorry, and I'm even more sorry that your likeliness of visiting me in Seoul is slim."

"It's not because of you-"

"It's because of dad. I know, Sky."

Before I could say another word, Mason had already pulled me into his warm embrace causeing a smile to fall onto my face.

"You too," Mason said, tugging Sky into the hug too. Sky groaned but hugged us back anyways. "We'll miss you Katherine."

I immediately pulled away, staring up at my brother.

"Katherine? Eww."

He only laughed, walking away from me.


After a tearful goodbye and long journey from Tokyo I had finally arrived in the beautiful city of Seoul. I was thankful that my dad had taught me some Korean growing up already, as he did with my brothers too. Being a businessman, he belived being biligual led to success in the industry. Not only can we all speak Japanese, however Korean and English too.

With my purple suitcase trailing along behind me, I walked through the lobby of my father's apartment. The place was gorgeous. I was so distracted by my surroudnings that  I didn't notice my dad was here until he made his way in front of me. I jumped, making him laugh. His signiture grin was plastered on his face, shwoing off his perfectly straight, white teeth, before he pulled me into a hug.


I hated when he called me that.

He pulled away and looked me up and down.

"You look so grown up," he continued.

"Well it has been a while since you've last seen us."

His smile kind of faltered and it seemed as though he didn't know what to say in reply, so put on his signiture smile again and chuckled awkwardly.

"Well, there's so many meetings to get to and not to mention all the flights I have to catch."

I stayed quiet, feeling slightly awakward, when all of a sudden he cleared his throat and dove around in the inside pcoket of his black suit blazer.

"It's your lucky day Kat, because I have something for you that I think you might like."

Finally he took out a key and placed it into my hand. I frowned.

"What is it?" I asked.

"What is it? It's a key, silly!" he laughed. Without another word he grabbed my suitcase and began walking. "Wanna see where it leads?"


"Woah," I gasped as we entered his penthouse, my eyes huge.

With massive windows looking out onto the city of Seoul, the penthouse was stunning. It was prestine, head to toe in expensive items and whute, so white I wouldn't dare drink red wine in this apartment.

"Impressive, right?" my dad smiled smugly.

"Very," he replied, still in shock.

"And if you think this is good, go use your key."

He nodded towards the far door so I took my key from my pocket, walking up to it and unlocking it. Once opened, it revealed another huge room which I fugured was my bedroom. Of course it was still amaing but it seemed as though he made it for a girl five years younger than myself.

"What do you think?" he called from his position on the sofa.

I looked around at the pink bed and flowery walls.

"It's nice," I told him. "Thank you."

"Anything for my darling daughter!"

This is gonna be fun.

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