Chapter 1

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"Leilani wake up we have school, and I don't want to be late again or Mrs. Hadish will kill us," A pillow smacked me in the head, a normal awakening in this home. 

I rolled over and looked up at my sister, Kleri, short for Klerisa, also known as the girl who won't let me sleep in. Ever. 

"Mrs. Hadish can suck an orange, I don't want to get up," Kleri hit me with another pillow, her face scrunching up in a warning of more pillow beatings. Sighing, I gave  in and rolled out of bed, "Fine! But stop hitting me,"

Kelri put on some music and I got dressed, ripped skinny jeans, black tank top, and camo bomber jacket.  Being the shortest person in the family, and what felt like the entire Orc race, means I would never wear flats. All my shoes are either platforms or heels. There is no in between. Klerissa was my complete opposite, tall and slender, and with legs for days she's the fastest person on the track team. She always wears leggings and a tube top with some sort of sneaker. Today she had white sneakers with rainbow laces on. 

We are the youngest of six, and with four older brothers we often had to race to get the first food. The oldest, Nick, was in his sophomore year of community college, followed by Reyes, in his freshman year of college, Nas, also in his freshman year of college, and Mark, who is in his senior year of highschool with me. Klerissa was the youngest of the us and she's in her junior year of high school. 

"Hey Momma, can I ride the bike with Kleri today? I promise to ride safely and follow all traffic laws," I begged my mother, Shei, giving her the best puppy dog eyes I could muster, and Kleri joined me, both of us saying, "We promise we'll be good!"

Shei had a soft spot for her daughters, and we knew it. So when she gave us permission, we grinned and showered her with hugs before eating breakfast. She had dark markings and has been Blooded since she was 12 for standing up to the Police for a fellow Orc. Shei is a kind soul, she loves all of us fiercely, and has always done everything in her power to protect us from Human racism. Her one big no no is that none of her children can ride a motorcycle until they are out of her house. However, since she has a soft spot for us, the only daughters, Shei lets us ride one of our dad's bikes from time to time. As long as she gets updates to know we have gotten to our destinations safely.

Of course, whenever we got to ride the bikes, our brothers got extremely jealous, in a non serious way. Like today, when Shei handed me the keys to the bikes, Mark did a dramatic gasp and sobbed,

"Ugh! Mother how could you betray me like this! You gave these younglings the keys over your son? You wound me," And peeked under his hand with a smirk, knowing he'll get a laugh.

And he did, all three of us laughed at his antics, loving him for being dramatic. With the daily shenanigans already underway, the three of us headed off for high school on the other side of The West Split in L.A., as Kleri and I kissed Momma goodbye Mark grabbed the last poptart and shoved it in his mouth.

"That was disgusting! Honestly Mark, how are we related?" Kleri smacked him on the back of the head and went to get out helmets for the bike. 

"Jeez, you outta loosen up sis! What about when your girlfriend does this? Cause I know she does!" Mark called after her, and I just laughed because Kleri's girlfriend of 2 months does have a habit of shoveling food into her mouth at light speed. 

"Hurry or you'll all be late, and don't forget to call me when you get there please," I waved goodbye to Momma, and headed out the door to Kleri.

As I put on my helmet and got on the bike, I thought it was just gonna be a normal day, but little did I know, that three new transfers from Miami would set off a chain of events that would change my family's lives forever.

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