Chapter 1

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Ok so guys this story won't probably last too long coz I'm only writing this coz I'm bored and I really have nothing better to do-.- BUT! Enjoy lol

"Ugh!" I sighed in frustration, I've been on this stupid college project for nearly 3 whole hours!! (high school, where ever you guys live, but college is high school in Australia) ok! I give up I'm gonna leave it till the due date so I'm at least eager to do it. So now, it's rollin time!.

"Maaa! I'm going out to the park, I'll be home by 6!!" I yelled while hopping around trying to make my Nikes to fit on my feet.

"Ashley bring something to eat when you get home, and don't be late!" yelled back my 'oh so caring' mother. note the sarcasm. she's only telling me to come home early so I could bring her and her little friends some thing to eat, they come over EVERY like literally EVERY night to have a 'little chat' with Ma.

I hurried myself out the back door with my bag pack on my back and my lovely skateboard in my left hand. jumping over the tall fence that my mum made me stand coz our neighbours were too loud for her likings, but in fact she just didn't like them. but I knew exactly why.

Oh god! sorry for not telling you about myself!, I'm Ashley Brooks, 16 years old and stuck with a druggy mother and an unknown father :) I have a average height which is I think 5:6 which I'm ok with coz that made me get accepted in the basketball team in school haha. so I have long redish brownish hair which go up to my hips, I know I know their pretty long bit I love them to death, like if anyone looks at my hair in a creepy way they are not going to live very long. My eyes are the usual greenish blue and I'm a skater.

Oi! Before you think I'm a depressed, self harming chick coz her mums a druggy. You TOTALLY got that the total opposite!. Like I'm not saying depressed and self harming people are bad, they're just people trying to help themselves instead of asking for help. to be completely honest I've been through that when I was young and brain less. legit brain less haha. But I kinda maybe steal some weed (drugs) from my mums 'private' room and smoke it on the roof with some mates. . . (So what. don't look at the screen like your screen has a naked Channing Tatum on it and start reading ;))

"Ashhhlleeyyy!! ma homie!!" screeched Timmy while doing our 'secret' hand shake.

"What took you sah long bruh?" he asked

"Eh, school shit" I simply said

Timmy looked at me with a smirk knowing exactly what I meant. Timmy and I have known each other since our foetus time, he knows all my secrets and I know his, his basically the brother I never had. He has shiny blonde hair and a really pale face, almost 5:7 and really really skinny for a guy, but he still was up the 'hottest guy in school' list.

"What got into his pants?" I asked scoffing a bit while pointing to Miguel.

"Haha, the usual, trying to beat your move!" Timmy said smirking.

Miguel in the other hand was a handful, he was the loudest and most annoying person I've ever met, he had short black hair, brown eyes, and a really really hot body, he always and I mean always try's to beat me in everything I do, like that one time I tried out for a soccer team and next thing you know his trying out the same team, he doesn't even like soccer for petes sake! and is also on the ' hottest guy in the school' list. pfft I don't like any of these bastered, there both like my brothers from another mother.

"Hey.Ash!" Miguel said in between flips on the skateboard.

"Hi loser, I see you trying to master MY move, AGAIN!" I reply while walking towards the starting of the ramp.

"Pfft! whatever Ash! you know I'm the best at everything! stop getting jealous for once! Jeez!" he said while stopping next to me.

"Oh we'll see who's the best and getting jealous on this move" I smirked and skated down the ramp for speed to do my newly thought trick.

I did two full backward flips in the air and finished with my arm out holding my skateboard, I stopped where Miguel was standing and smirked while giving him 'I'll like to see you try' look. He just stood there with a shocked look and mouth hanging loose.

Hahaha! I totally need to take a photo of his face right now!

Miguel looked up with a grin and started to try to do my trick but fail miserably. He ended up face planting at the bottom of the ramp.

"Hahaha omg! Miguel you K bro!!?" I ran down the steps to where Miguel had landed.

"OMG dude your nose is bleeding!!" I screamed worrying what I saw.

Miguel got up and started sniffing up the blood

"Dude stop that! that's disgusting!" I scolded

"You love me" Miguel smirked and hugged me, I quickly slapped his arms of my shoulders and walked away to where Timmy was looking for a tissue or napkin.

Pfft he can live with a bloody nose!

"Hey" Timmy said after handing Miguel the napkin.

"Sigh, hi" I said sitting on the floor.

"Did you just say 'sigh'?" Timmy asked amused.

"Ahaha yeah, so? don't judge me I'm tired!!" I defended myself

"So, anything happening lately?" I asked

"The fact that Bianca is glaring at you like she's gonna kill you with her bare eyes from the park over there, nothing really new" Timmy said calmly pointing with his eyes if that's even possible.

"Urgh! why does she do that! like I haven't even done anything wrong to her!" I complained

"Are you serious Ashley?! done nothing wrong to her? well actually you didn't, she deserved that punch" Timmy thought

Yes! I did punch Bianca on the face, it was sah funny coz her eyes went cross and she fell on the floor crying like the little bitch she is. don't get me wrong I didn't punch her out of the blue! she said something about my family which I could stand because I'm kinda used to it but she said some shit about Miguels family which caused all the physical shit. and again WASENT MY FAULT!!

Bianca, where do I start with that bitch. shes the popular spoiled brat, hangs out with her other two 'friends' which she treats like there her servants, she has dyed blonde hair, blue eyes and the perfect body shape even though I just said 'perfect' to her body shape she's the venom in a red back spider. I'm not jealous of her, I've actually have never felt jealous of a girl before which is quite impressive if I say to myself.

"Wanna go to the city tomorrow?" Miguel asked after finishing of cleaning his nose and sitting in front of me.

"Nah man, I've got some work to do at home, so I'll pass" I said shrugging.

"Come on! I heard some international pop stars are there!" Timmy said excitedly

i looked at him grinning like crazy "are you thinking what I'm thinking B1, B3?" I asked both of them

"I think we are B2" they said also grinning

"ITS STALKING THE POP STARS TIME!!" we all screamed together.

Ok so this is a really long chapter one. and yes that was from Bananas in Pyjamas ;)

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