Kidnapped X By X ????????

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Killuas P.O.V
i woke up from a loud scream i jumped out of bed only to see Y/N getting druged and kidnapped it all happend so fast i couldent do anything but i know who took her i rushed to kurapikas dorm to tell him

'KURAPIKA' he woke up quick



'WHAT?!' he rushed out the room with his scarlet eyes searching for her but she wasent there anymore i just told gon to stay here since it would be to dangerous for him to come along so me and kurapika went to find Y/N

i woke up in a dark and wierd place  i started to tear up. i was scared and somewhere a bit further i saw hisoka and chrollo my eyes turned scarlet as soon as i saw them i was tied up but that changed the second i saw them i broke the rope and went mad 

'where. am. i'

'you dont need to know now if you give us your scarlet eye and tell us where kurapika is this wont be painful'

'i would rather die then tell you and this will get painful for you' the second i said that i started to attack them somehow i had enough time to run away so i did i ran to york new city 'i hope killua or kurapika will find me' was the last thing i could thing of while running for my and kurapikas life

Kurapikas P.O.V
Me and killua were searching for Y/N in york new city when we saw a girl run i thought of Y/N when i saw her so i screamed

'HEY YOUNG GIRL STOP!' she stopped for a second but then got scared and ran away so we followed her 

'do you know her kurapika?'

'she looks like she might know where to find Y/N' suddenly she stopped and jumped on a house to lose us. killua smirked and followed her up while i was running to catch her when she comes back down..

Killuas P.O.V
she must be a assassin a trained one good to find her 

'STOP ASSASSIN GIRL AND FIGHT OR ARE YOU SCARED?' that got her mad so she stopped but she dident look at me and got out a dagger i let my claws show and she said in a deep and cold tone

'screw off i am not here for games im here to escape'

'from what?' i said in a deep tone

'chrollo, hisoka.. the phanrom troupe-'


'huh what? do i know you?'

'look up its me killua and kurapika is down there' she looked up and hugged me putting away the daggers and said

'lets go before they catch up on us!' i told kurapika what just happend so we ran and ran till we were out of york new city and we lost the phantom troupe

'im so happy we found you!' Y/N hugged me and kurapika tearing up

'how did you escape?'

'as soon as i saw chrollo and hisoka i got raged up and started to attack them then i had a bit of time to run into york new city so i did to lose them i calmed down and then ran till you guys found me'

'thank good your okay' kurapika said with a small smile

'im tired now can we all sleep?' me and kurapika laughed and both awnserd with 'sure'. kurapika went to his dorm and me and Y/N went to our dorm

'hey killu?'


'can we sleep together agian im scared..'

'okay' we both went to bed ans she hugged me before driving of to sleep i hugged her back and after thinking of what just happend i was happy she was okay' i mean if they would have hurt her i would have killed them in a split second well i am just happy she is back' was the last thing i thought  before falling asleep

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