The dare part 2

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*from the last chapter*
Jackson:Payton,truth or dare ?
Jackson:Is it true that you are with y/n just because sam dared you?

Payton:Umm I-..
This is it.It was the pain,screaming into you remembering you how stupid you are.You get up and run out of the house.How could you fall for a player,y/n?How??!!.You thought Payton was different.But he is just another player who likes to play with girls' hearts and then leave them heartbroken.It is dark outside but you don't care.You run but you feel feel fall on the soft grass while crying with your head on your knees.You are crying soo hard that you barely can breath.Your white crop top has now mascara and a little bit of gloss on it.You take out your phone.You talked to your friends from Cali everyday since you moved here but now you really need the one that is the closest to you,Hope.You call her.
*phone call*
Hailey:Hi y/n!I'm so glad you called!
Y/n:Ye-s-s hi Hai-l-le-ey..
Hope:What's wrong with you?I know you are crying so tell me everything.
You start to cry harder.You feel like you are going to choke so you catch your breath.
Hailey:If that boy made you feel bad I swear I'm going to kill him!!
Y/n:I thought he loved me..But it was just a dare...He is just like the others!HE IS JUST LIKE CHRISTIAN!
Hailey:Y/n stop crying!He is not like Christian,Payton didn't do what he did.Where are you?
Y/n:Somewhere on the grass.
Hailey:Y/n what the fuck??Go home right now or I'm going to call your mom.
Y/n:Ok..Can I call you when I get home please?..
Hailey:Of course!Please call me!Now go home!Don't make me come to North Carolina just to get you home.
Y/n:Ok.See ya.
You hang up and go home.You get to the door and see that it's closed.No no no no no.You forgot your keys.You call Dylan because you don't want to go back there.
*phone call*
Y/n:Hi Dylan.I forgot my keys at your place and now I can't enter the house.Can you bring them to me please?
Dylan:Yeah sure but-
Y/n:Dylan I'm not in the mood for chat.Bring me those stupid keys !
After a few minutes,you see his car stopping in front of your house.Your crop top is full of mascara and tears,your pants are dirty from the grass and your face is a mess.But he is not alone,he is Payton.You see that his eyes are a little bit puffy and red.
Dylan:Y/n,are you-
Y/n:As I said earlier,I'm not in the mood for a chat.Give me the keys please!
You feel Payton's eyes burning you.
Y/n:If you don't want to wait for my mom outside the house,you should come in now.I'm not saying this twice.
Dylan:Bye guys!
Y/n:Bye Dylan!
You go in the house and you put your keys on the counter.You want to go upstairs but someone.
Y/n:What do you want??
Payt:To talk.
Y/n:I need to change my clothes,take a hot shower and watch Netflix.Alone.
Payt:Pleasee,just let me explain everything.
You can't say no to Payton because you love him too much.
You go up to your room and sit on your bed.You stay far from him.
Payt:So,Sam dared me to be with you when he saw how sassy and hard to get you are.But I fell for you..And I started to have real feelings for you..Y/n,I love you soo much and I don't want to lose you just for a stupid dare.
You start to cry and Payton comes closer to you.
Y/n:I felt soo bad when Jackson asked you that question..I thought you were like Christian..But you have something different and I love you soo much..Please don't make stupid dares anymore.
Payt:I promise I won't.
He gives you his pinkie and you and him make a pinkie promise.You smile and hug him really tight,but when you want to let him go he doesn't do the same thing.
Y/n:Payt I need to shower.
Payt:Take me with youuu.
Y/n:Because I need some time to calm down and a hot shower would be perfect.
Payt:Ugh ok but don't stay too long cuz' I'll get bored.
You take a hot shower and then you put on an oversized hoodie and a pair of shorts.Payt was on his phone so you decide to surprize him.You jump on him and scare him.He screams like a little girl.
Y/n:Omg your scream!
Your start to laugh and you see that he is faking to be mad at you.You lay on top of him and put your face over his.He starts to laugh and kisses you.You kiss him back as his hands go down to your waist.
Payt:Do you want to watch a movie?
Y/n:Maybe later..
He smirks and you started to make out.
You take of your hoodie as he takes of his.You kiss his neck softly and you start to leave some hickeys all over his neck.He kisses you in french when your phone starts to ring..

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