Wedding part 2

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You are going back to your house.Chase and Payton are staying there to help you and everyone in the morning.You heard laughs as you approach the door.
Payt:Seems like they are having fun.
You smile at him and open the door.Your smile fades as you see who is in the kitchen.Blue eyes and a big smile.Your dad.He turns to you.
Y/d:Y/n!I've missed you soo much.
He comes and hugs you.You are still to shocked to realise what's happening.He pulls away and looks at you.
Y/d:You grew up so much!I remember when you were not bigger than a chair.
Y/n:Um hi dad.
Payton stays behind you looking at you two.Your dad looks at him.
Y/d:You most be Payton.I heard so many things about you!
He shakes hands with him smiling.
Payt:A pleasure to meet you,Mr.y/l.
Y/d:I hope we could spend some time together-
Your dad and Payton look confused at you.
Y/n:No.I don't care how clean and lovely you like to present yourself,I know the real monster that you really are.Don't dare to touch a single hair from the ones that I care about or you will regret it.
She comes close to you.
Y/n:No mom.I don't wanna hear it.I said what I had to say.Payton,Chase,my bedroom.
You see your dad looking in shock at you.You go upstairs without looking back.You enter the room and you start walking in circles,sighing.
Chase:Why were you so mean?
Y/n:Long story short he is a mob boss and he lied to us.
It's the first time Chase is actually serious.Payton gently puts his hand at your waist.
Payt:Please sit down before you leave marks on the carpet.
You sit on the bed.It's only 4 pm.
Payt:What if we watch something?
Chase:Yess please.
Y/n:Idk where I put the remote.
Payt:Let's find it.
After 5 minutes they find it.You all sit on your bed,with you in the middle,cuddled in Payton's chest.You choose Annabelle 1.At every scary moment,you move your body closer to Payton's.At the half of the movie,there's no space between your bodies.His arm is around your shoulders,gently rubbing your back while the other one is at your waist.You see Chase cuddling your pillow.
Y/n:Chase that's MY pillow!
Huddy:And?I don't have anyone else to cuddle with.So shut up and go back to your boyfriend.
Y/n:Why do you have to be such a pain in the ass?
Huddy:I love you too bestie.
He smirks and you roll your eyes.You turn back to Payton seeing that he fell asleep.You put your head on his chest falling asleep too.

*Huddy's Pov*
I look to Payton and y/n seeing that they fell asleep.I take out my phone and start recording a video for my instagram story.
Huddy:Ok guys can someone explain me how the fuck they can sleep while we are watching Annabelle?Like for real.And y/n is mad at me for cuddling her pillow.I don't understand this world anymore.
I stop recording and I tag them,then I post the video.I should probably run now.

*End of Huddy's Pov*
You feel someone shaking your hand.
Huddy:Y/n!Sleepyhead!Come on wake up!
You get up seeing Payton opening his eyes.
Y/n:What the hell Chase?
Payt:What happened ?
Huddy:Oh I was just bored.
You grab a pillow and start hitting him.
Huddy:Payton!Take your girl off me!
Payt:Nah I enjoy the show.
He smirks seeing Chase's annoyed face.
Y/n:You're lucky I don't want you to have bruises because of the wedding.
Huddy:Thank God.
Y/n:What time is it?
Payt:8 pm.
Y/n:I'm starving.
Payt,Huddy:Me too.
Y/n:Can you bring me food here?
Payt:No.You are coming.You can't stay here for the rest of your life.
Huddy:Exactly.I won't let you grow my nieces and nephews here.
You blush and so does Payton.
Y/n:Fine I'll come.
You all go downstairs  seeing your family in the living room,watching a movie.Everyone besides your dad.You go to the fridge.
Y/n:Leftover pizza?
You warm up the pizza and put it on the table.You all start when Jaden comes in the kitchen.
Jaden:Hey guys.
Jaden:Do you know where I can find hummus and chicken nuggets.It's for Hope.
You get up and give him what he needs.
Y/n:Um Jaden where's dad?
Jaden:Um well-uh-
Jaden:Coming babe.Y/m,y/n wants to ask you something!
He turns around and goes back in the living room.
Huddy:As always.
Your mom comes in the kitchen.
Y/n:Where's dad?
Y/m:He had some business to do before the wedding.
Y/n:Are we eating human flesh at the wedding?
Y/m:Y/n give him a chance.So stop being so rude to him.
You roll your eyes and go back to eating.She sighs and goes back in the living room.
Huddy:Are you ok?
Y/n:What do you think?
The door opens and your dad enters the house.He has bags in his hands.
Hope,Jaden and your mom come in the kitchen.
Y/d:I know I wasn't here with you at your last Christmases or at your birthdays,so I bought you gifts!
Y/n:So this was your "business"?
You look at your mom.
Y/d:If you want to call it like that yes.
He smiles looking at you.Maybe he is changed.He gives you a big bag,one to your mom and one to Hope.
Y/d:Open them!

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