Little Brat

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(Pandora's P.O.V)

I don't know what it is about stealing and me. I knew it was wrong, but it was fun. It gave me an adrenaline rush. It made me feel like I wasn't just trash that you could kick around, but instead a queen you shouldn't mess with.

I read the Sherlock Holmes books as a small kid. Sherlock was right. Normal people don't observe, they look but never observe. I could be a hero like Sherlock, but I hated heroes. They take everything away from people and get away with it.

Heroes my ass.

I started observing people. Who to pickpocket first? I thought to myself. I first observed a short woman with long sleek red hair. She acted calm but was actually very nervous by the way she would glance around frantically. This one could be a nice challenge. I started looking for a weak spot on her. Her wallet was in one of her jacket pockets. This girl is really not from New York. Most New Yorkers kept their wallets in their jean pockets or in a bag of some sort so that it wouldn't be as easy to be pickpocketed, but she kept hers in her raincoat pocket. I quickly walked by her and 'accidentally' bumping into her. As we were both falling, I quickly grabbed her wallet out of her pocket. She didn't seem to notice, so I put it into my own pocket.

"I am so sorry," I said, quickly getting up, and reaching toward her to help her up.

"It's fine," she responded while awkwardly laughing. I joined in. When she got back on her feet, she finally noticed that I was just a kid. "Wait, aren't you supposed to be at school?" She asked, thinking that I probably skipped.

"Nope," I responded confidently, "I'm on vacation with my family." I pointed to a cafe across the street with a middle-aged couple and their teenaged son. The woman seemed to fall for my lie and wished me a good vacation as she walked away.

I was in an alleyway, counting the money from the woman's wallet. It had forty dollars cash! That should be dinner for at least two more weeks! It had been a while since I had had food last, but I decided to wait until tomorrow to get food. Yeah, sure I was hungry, but I wasn't starving. It wouldn't hurt to make a few extra bucks. Yeah, one more go and then I'm done for the day. I walked down the sidewalk, scanning people. It seemed like a boring crowd until I had spotted a guy in a suit looking down at his phone. I observed him. He had a nice tan, but it didn't seem natural. He was probably loaded! He seemed familiar, but I disregarded it. I started walking towards him. I 'accidentally' bumped into him, not enough to knock him over, but enough to distract him from the fact that I was grabbing his wallet. I slid the wallet into my own pocket. I apologized and kept walking.

(Tony's P.O.V)

I accidentally bumped into a short girl, but I didn't think anything of it. While I was walking, I got a call from Tash.

"Stark, while you're out, grab dinner will ya?" Natasha said. I obliged and hung up. I was grabbing for my wallet when I realized it wasn't there. I patted each pocket, but nothing. I was trying to think of where I could have possibly dropped it and then I remembered the short girl. "Little brat," I muttered under my breath. "J.A.R.V.I.S locate the girl I bumped into earlier," I said.

(Pandora's P.O.V)

I was looking through the guy's wallet. I looked at his license to see if I really knew him. The name on the license read 'Tony Stark'. Shit! I was happy about how he was rich, but it's Tony freaking Stark aka IRON MAN! I was about to just drop the wallet and take the cash until I heard a certain voice behind me.

"I believe you have something of mine," the voice said. I shakily turned around.

It was Tony! I bolted. I usually have a fight reflex, but I wasn't going to try to punch Iron Man! Mr.Stark started yelling at me. I hopped up a fire escape and on top of a building. It was easier than just heading straight. I hopped onto a building, thinking he couldn't possibly get up here. He didn't have his suit or anything, oh but I was so wrong. I was so so wrong.

Next thing I knew he had flown up in his Iron Man suit! I ran, hopping from building to building. He seemed amused that I was even trying. He suddenly stopped, letting me get ahead. I was going to run to my old apartment complex, but then I remembered that it was destroyed years ago by the fucking Avengers when Loki took over. I started crying, tears flying behind me as I ran. I ran to the sight of my old complex. Yeah, it was pretty shit, but it was still home, but of course, the Avengers had to take it away. I held a piece of wood. It had my initials engraved on it. It was from my old bed frame. By that point, I started sobbing, not even caring that Iron Man was chasing after me. I heard a thud. He had caught up with me. He grabbed my shoulder, but I slapped it away. I turned around.

I started screaming at him as I fell to my knees holding my head. He slowly walked over to me. He was about to hug me, but I screamed. "LEAVE ME ALONE!" as I yelled, a rainbow light threw him back. At that moment, I passed out.

(Tony's P.O.V)

I felt bad. I was going to try to comfort the small girl with a hug, but she suddenly screamed at me, and a rainbow light threw me onto a wall of a nearby building. I checked with J.A.R.V.I.S to see if all systems were stable, luckily they were. I flew back to her, expecting her to still be crying, but instead, she was passed out. She held tightly to a piece of wood, with the letters PL engraved in it. I picked up her small body. As we flew back to the tower, I started observing her. She was definitely just a kid. She had short brown hair, with little freckles across her nose. If I remember her eyes right, she had one blue eye and one brown eye. When we landed on one of the balconies, I grabbed my wallet from her pocket. I walked into the room to see all the other Avengers looking at me.

"I thought I told you to get dinner, not a random ten-year-old kid," Natasha said. I laid the kid on the couch, before speaking.

" I couldn't really get dinner without my wallet, and that little brat stole it," I said, explaining myself.

"So in self-defense, you knocked her out?" Clint asked sarcastically.

"Let me finish," I said "When I had tracked her down, she ran. She started doing parkour, so I went after her. I let her get ahead, enjoying myself, and then she landed in some rubble. When I landed behind her, she was crying. I grabbed her shoulder, she slapped my hand and started yelling at me. I tried to give her a hug to comfort her, but then this rainbow light pushed me away and she passed out." Bruce grabbed a first aid kit. He was probably just going to inspect her for signs of injuries. He picked up the piece of wood and put it on the coffee table. She had burns on her hands. Next, he checked her temperature with the back of his hand. He suddenly jumped up and started blowing on his hand, as if he had just touched a hot stove. When he started turning green, Steve immediately started calming him down. I touched her forehead, and it seriously hurt my hand. Bruce calmed down and picked her up and brought her to his lab.

"Where am I?" she said sleepily. 

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