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(Tony's P.O.V)

We were all tired and hungry, but none of us wanted to leave for some reason. As soon as Clint, Bruce, and Thor left to go take the brat to her room, I almost got up to go get dinner, but I stopped myself. "Are you any of guys still hungry?" Steve asked. All of us shook our heads no, but we were physically hungry. We didn't feel like eating after that whole ordeal.

"Why don't I just make snacks?" Clint suggested as he walked back into the room.

"I would double check your pockets," I suggested to all of them, "She may be mentally unstable, but she's still slick." As Clint was walking into the kitchen area, he patted all of his pockets. Thor didn't have pockets so he wasn't that worried, but Bruce also checked his pockets. Clint and Bruce had the funniest faces I had ever seen. I burst out into laughter, as the color drained from their faces. Clint went running to Pandora's room while we were calming down Banner.

(Clint's P.O.V)

I can see why Tony calls Pandora a brat. She knows we're the Avengers, but she stills steals our wallets? That kid has guts. I had Jarvis unlock the door and saw Pandora sleeping on the bed curled up with that piece of wood. When I got closer to her, I saw our wallets laying next to her. I went to grab them, but suddenly BAM! I was punched in the face.

"What are you doing?" she sleepily asked, "Don't you know not to sneak in on a girl who lives on the streets?" Man, she has quite the punch when you're least expecting it.

"Wallets," I said while getting up off of the floor.

"I don't know what you're talking about," she said in a playful tone. I looked where the wallets once were and they were gone.

"Come on short stack. I know you have mine and Banner's wallets," I said trying to keep a calm tone. This kid really is a brat.

"What are ya going to do if I don't give them back? Tackle me?" she said taunting me. I didn't want to tackle her, but she was the one who suggested it. I tackled her and started tickling her. She burst out into laughter, and our wallets slipped out of her pocket. I quickly grabbed them and ran out of the room.

"Jarvis. Relock the door," I said as I heard Pandora's face collide with the door. I laughed as I walked down the hall back to the lounge.

"Did you get them?" Banner asked me as I walked back in.

"Yeah," I said as I handed him his wallet back, "I get why you call her a brat now, Tony." Tony laughed.

"Did she give ya a hard time?" Tony asked with a chuckle.

"Yep, the kid is determined. I have to give her that," I responded with a sigh. The kid reminded me of when I was young before I was Hawkeye.

"How did you convince her to give back our wallets?" Bruce asked.

"She was mocking me, and well I tackled her and tickled her. They fell out of her pocket and I ran out of the room," I said chuckling, remembering the fact that she ran straight into the door.

(Le time skip sponsored by the Doctor)

(Pandora's P.O.V)

I awoke the next morning, still hugging my piece of wood. Man, Mr.Barton was quickly becoming one of my least favorite Avengers. Mr.Stark still being in the lead for my least favorite. Ms. Romanoff being my favorite. I still hated her, but I had more respect for her than the others. I didn't have to wait long in the room, because Mr.Stark walked in. I could tell by observing him that he got breakfast. I could tell because he smelled like air freshener, meaning he probably drove in his car earlier, and he smelled warm.

"Breakfast?" I asked. He had a shocked look on his face. "Pancakes, correct?" I asked again. He smelled like one of the many pancake restaurants, so it was an easy estimation.

"I haven't even said anything yet," he said.

"It's called observing dumbass," I said while walking past him.

"Language!" he yelled as he caught up to me, "But really, how did you do that?"

"Normal people just look, but I observe. I used all of my senses to come to the conclusion that you were here to get me for breakfast, and that it was pancakes," I said in a monotone voice. I am not a morning person. We walked into the lounge. I saw all of the Avengers sitting and talking while eating pancakes. Clint handed me a plate of pancakes and a fork. I buttered them and poured syrup over them. I sat down at the counter bar, just enjoying my pancakes. It had been a while since I had food last, so I was savoring every bite. The guys must've started noticing me eating so slowly because they started asking me about it.

"Do you not like it? We could get you cereal if you don't like it," Mr.Banner suggested while getting up to get a cereal box for me.

"No, I just want to savor it. I won't have to eat as much if I savor it," I said, "Every homeless person will tell ya that you should savor what you have for as long as you can. I live by that rule. I know that soon, I'll probably be back on the street, not being able to have this kind of meal again." I started munching on my pancakes again. The group didn't question me, knowing that I probably didn't want to get into that conversation again.

After breakfast, Mr.Banner told me it would be a while before we would do the test since that rainbow ora also knocked over his equipment. He said I could roam, but that the doors to the outside world were locked and so were the windows.

I wondered for a while, not really looking where I was going. I suddenly bumped into something. I landed on the floor and heard a booming chuckle. It was Thor.

"What are you doing small Midgardian child?" He asked while grabbing the back of my shirt and putting me back on my feet.

"What's a Midgardian?" I asked, confused at the term.

"Oh. Well, human, I guess to you. I am an Asgardian, I'm basically a god compared to you Midgardians," he started explaining, "I am Thor, son of Odin and God of Thunder!" He raised his big hammer up in the air, giving a mighty pose. I giggled. He may be the most stupid Avenger and I've met Tony.

"What's so humorous small mortal?" Thor asked, confused at my giggling. I just told him that it was funny how dramatic he was. I tried walking away, but he followed me.

"What is it with your big hammer?" I asked.

"This is Mjolnir, it can only be lifted by me," he responded, proud of the fact that he was the only one able to lift it. I nodded my head, trying not to burst out in laughter. Who the fuck names their weapons?! Thor apparently.

"Okay, Pandora. Are you ready for the tests?" Mr.Banner asked, walking up to me and Thor.

"Sure," I said. I wasn't so sure about these tests. I didn't know what they would do. I wasn't sure if I wasn't going to be allowed back into society or I don't know! There are so many possibilities, that I can't deduct what's going to happen. I guess Thor noticed my worry and put his huge hand on my shoulder. He lightly smiled at me. It calmed me down a little, but then I remembered how much of an idiot he is.

We walked into Mr.Banner's lab. He told me to lie down on the table, and to close my eyes. I did as he told me, and then he injected me with something!

"It's okay. It's just so you can sleep through the tests, and so that we can track your brain easily," Mr.Banner said before I quickly fell asleep.

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