#1 - Roses (Maxpres)

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Roses were always Preston's favorite. They made everything seem more dramatic, and/or romantic. Whenever Preston saw one he would be full of excitement. His eyes almost starry. This was the perfect way for Max to confess. Roses.

"MAX!" Nikki yelled, snapping Max back to reality. "FUCK- What the hell was that for Nikki?!" Max yelled. "You were thinking about stuff again! Did you even hear what I said?" She crossed her arms and pouted. "Of course I heard you, dumbass." "Then what did I say? Or were you too busy thinking about Preston again?" This caught Max off guard. He had no clue that Nikki knew about his dumb crush. "What-??" He tried to act dumb. Nikki WAS pretty gullible.. "Preston? Hello?? Your dumb crush?" Nikki did hand movements as she spoke. "What the hell are you talking about???" the arguing between two about whether Max was into the overdramatic theatre geek continued, on the other hand, Preston was having his own conversations.

"So guys, I had this idea for a campaign I could run! It was gonna be second edition and-" "Nerris, I'm gonna stop you right there." Harrison shushed the girl. Preston rolled his eyes as he stood up and started heading to his camp. He sat on it from pure boredom. He noticed someone walking towards him. Max?

"Sup idiot" Max stood below Preston, too lazy to get onto the stage. "Nothing at the moment..why are you here? Aren't you busy hanging out with Nikki or Neil?" Preston raised an eyebrow. "They're teasing me about stuff and I really don't want to put up with their bullshit today. Too early for that." he shrugged. "Then why come visit me?" The tall theater kid repositioned himself so that he was laying down on the stage, peering down at Max. "Wh- because everyone else is busy- w-why else?" Max was a bit flustered. It was pretty obvious why Max chose Preston of all people to hang out with. He did like him afterall. Preston sighed. He wasn't going to tell Max to leave, that would be rude, so he didn't protest. 

"YOU TWO SHOULD KISS!" a loud girl yelled from a bush in the distance, clearly to the two boys. "WHA-" Max snapped towards the source of sound. "WHO THE HELL SAID THAT?!" Max sprinted off. Preston didn't mind the remark really. He just let out a soft giggle. Max eventually found Nikki and started yelling at her. After he finished yelling at Nikki (Who didn't seem to care that Max was yelling at her), The short Indian boy started walking back to the louder Shakespeare wannabe, when he spotted something. He grabbed it and eventually returned to Preston.

"Welcome back, Maximillian." He gave him a warm smile. "Thanks. Hey- Uh- Preston?" He froze up after asking for Preston's attention. FUCKWHATIFHESAYSNOWHATIFHETHINKSIMWEIRDWHATIFHE'SSTRAIGHTWHATIF-  "Yes Max?" Preston looked down at the fluffy haired kid. Max felt his heart race. He was terrified. "I-I u-uh- g-got you t-this- don't th-think about it too much-" he held out a rose in Preston's direction. Preston blinked. He didn't know why- Oh-  Preston's eyes widened. "Thank you" he smiled, his cheeks dusted with red. Max looked up, curiously. "Wh- wait are you blushing-?" Max went much redder than Preston was. Preston took the rose Max had given him and set it behind him. He pulled Max up to where he was. "Wh- WHAT'RE YOU DOI-" he was cut off by a quick peck on the lips. Max pretty much broke at that point. Preston pulled Max into a hug, Max not returning the gesture.

Nobody said Max didn't enjoy the hug though. 


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2019 ⏰

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