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Raindrops tapped rapidly at the window, blurring the street lamps, which were shedding little light into the otherwise dark space.

The street lights were not adequate illumination, the room was nearly black. And there, in the far left corner, right next to the windows, was the only source of light. You wouldn't have guessed that under those covers, buried under layers of blankets and stacked on top of countless pillows lay you and Josh, holding each other. The laptop was intelligently positioned right in the center, with half it's weight on his thigh, the other half on yours.

As the rain intensified, the soothing sound almost outmatched the sound of talking on the movie, If I Stay. Josh reached between you guys to turn up the volume. Not because he wanted to hear what they said, but because he knew you did.

In the movie, the young girl Mia dies, and through flashbacks you learn about her life leading up to the accident. Mostly the movie was about Mia's relationship to Adam, an up-and-coming rockstar. You'd certainly taken a liking to him, he reminded you of your favorite Joshua. Pursuing his dreams, dancing in LA and traveling the world.

Josh himself, disagreed though.

"He's so caught up in himself."

"What do you mean?"

"Throughout the movie he's got his priorities totally messed up. Only when Mia dies in the car crash, does he realize that she is the most important thing in his silly life, and that he couldn't care less of his band as long as she's alright and there beside him. It's bullshit, I've known you were my number one priority since the beginning."

He left you speechless.

"That's why we're nothing alike, at all."

The rain outside softened just enough for you to hear your heartbeat under the layers of blankets.

"And Mia, oh my god, don't get me started on Mia at all. She's so damn boring, and selfish enough to push away the only person that will keep her alive. She's taking absolutely no chances and only when it's too late she realizes she should have lived a little."

"She's living more than I am, no? I mean look at how passionate she is about her cello, she got into hecking Juilliard. What do I do?"

Your eyes flickered away from his.

"I'm stuck in this town, barely scraping by high school. My life is just as damn boring as this weather, and-"

Something grabbed your chin, and turned you to back to facing him. Josh looked like he was going to say something but he closed his mouth again. This kind of hurt something, somewhere inside of you.

"You know, I never really understood why you wanted me in the first place."

God knows, he could have any of the pretty girls in those LA dance classes. It was no secret that Josh was one of the hottest dancers in the industry with in Instagram follower count of 1 million. Yet, here he was, in your bed.

Suddenly, Josh clapped his hands together and his dimples showed widely for a second.

You screamed as you head all of a sudden hung low from your body. You opened you eyes to see Josh's back as he carried you over to the door and threw it open. The last thing you saw before he stalked down the hall was the dark blue sky, through your blurred window.

"Josh! What the actual heck!"

As you yelled at him, the two of you passed your little brother's room. He stared wide-eyed at you until Josh turned to face him and thus, the only thing you could see was the wall on the other side of the hall.

"Come on, Matt. Your sister thinks her life is boring. Feel like proving her wrong, and having some fun?"


"Josh I swear to god! Put me down, right now!"


The three of you walked down the stairs to find your parents, stuck in the same position around the tv as they had been for years.

"(Your parent's names)." You heard Josh greet.

"Oh hello Jo-"

Your mother stopped mid-sentence as she saw your body draped over his shoulder, and your head peeking out from behind his back. It strained your neck to lift your head so you could see, but you had to.

"Your daughter is having a middle age crisis so I'm going to prove to her that life doesn't have to be so boring. Want to tag along?"

Your mother glanced to your father. He hadn't even bothered to look away from Saturday Night Live on the screen. He was already lost in the small panel lights. My mother however, was wavering on the edge of the waterfall.

She looked back to Josh and swayed her head from side to side, making the grey hairs sway along with it.

"No thanks, dear. I'm much too old to be part of something like that."

She laughed even though she meant it dead serious.

"Please, miss. It's never too late to have some fun."

"No really, I'll be fine honey. Now, go have fun."

"See you later, then."

Josh turned on his heel to take the party into the hall. You first got really worried when you heard the sound of a door creaking open and cold air hitting the back of your thighs.

The sound of rain tapping the ground intensified, but Josh didn't stop walking.

"My makeup! My hair!" You shrieked when the droplets fell onto you.

Within seconds your back was soaked. Your brother laughed so hard he almost toppled over but he continued to trail behind you and Josh until all three stood in the middle of the road in front of your house.

Finally Josh set your feet back onto the ground. You were just about to literally scream at him for ruining your appearance and being a dork when you saw his smile. It was more stretched out than you'd ever seen. He was literally smiling so hard it seemed his face could break just about any second.

"May I have this dance?" He stretched out his hand for you take take hold of.

Your eyes went to the sky and the rain washed away your frustrations.

As your eyes ventured back down to meet Josh's you must've looked like a monster with your mask of foundation and mascara withering away. But never once did his smile change. And you realized, he never cared.

That thought made you smile. Almost as wide as Josh, almost.

When you tenderly placed your hand in his, he lifted it over your head and you spun around, your soaked hair whipping around and landing in your mouth as you came back to face him.

As you sputtered strands of hair out, he pulled you closer and laughed.

Your mother smiled, as she observed the two of you from the porch. She ruffled your little brothers hair, soaking her hand.

"You better take notes, Matt. If you don't treat your girlfriend like this in the future-"

She turned to look at her spouse, whom she spotted inside the house, still frozen on the couch.

"-I have failed to raise you well."

You were never a great fan of blue until that day, but from then on it was always your favorite. Not the kind of blue that stared back at you every time you looked in Josh's eyes, but the kind of blue that tainted the sky that evening.

Moral of the story: it's never too late.

Read that again.

It's never too late.


Also, if your boyfriend suddenly claps and grins while you're watching a movie RUN THE H E C K

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