Beside you

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A/N: in this story josh is on tour with the group Now United. Noah is Noah Urrea who is also a member of said group and a friend of Josh's.


The warm and nostalgically familiar turkey aroma filled the spacey room along with the sound of forks and knives clattering together and people chatting and laughing. Your family was all gathered to celebrate Thanksgiving even your most distant relatives. One would think you'd feel happy and complete with so many friends gathered - and truth be told, of course, you felt happy to see everyone. Complete was not a word you would use to describe how you felt though.

You'd spoken to Josh not long ago - just this morning. He called you all the way from Tokyo in Japan to tell you happy thanksgiving but hearing his voice - which had become rough due to his dry throat from all the traveling - and not being able to feel him between your arms only left you feeling even more empty.

~ 9:03 am ~

"G'morning, sleepyhead."

Josh's face lit up your screen the same way it lit up your mood.

"Morning, handsome."

You smiled at him and waited for his camera to focus. It was dark outside where he was and the lights were on in what looked like another hotel room.

"Hey, it's like 9 AM here. wouldn't it be like... what? 2 AM in Japan right now?"

You asked as he moved a few steps around his room. He walked up to one side of the room and flipped the camera, trading his beautiful dimples for a stunning look over what must be Tokyo considering all the lights and skyscrapers.

"Well, yeah, I guess that's what traveling 24/7 does to ya. Besides, it doesn't matter 'cause I had to call and wish you a happy Thanksgiving before I go to bed and pass out for roughly 24 hours straight and it would be too late."

You chuckled.

"Don't work yourself too hard babe-"

"Hey is that Y/N?"

You heard Noah's voice but could not see where it came from. Josh looked away from the screen to some point in front of him and said:

"Yeah, say hi."

Josh flipped the camera to reveal Noah who said a quick and enthusiastic hello before the screen was flipped back again. He ruffled his hair and you could practically feel the soft strands between your own fingers as they burned.

"So, what are you gonna do today? you gonna see your family?"

"Yeah, my entire family is coming together at my house later today. We'll have turkey and sweet potatoes and just eat and have some fun together, I guess..."


We both went quiet as we stared into the screens.

"I miss you like crazy," I stated.

"I know. Miss you too babe."

another silence followed.

"I can't wait to see you again soon." His words were genuine and true and I felt them, just like he did.

"Yeah. You won't be home for another month though, I wouldn't exactly call that soon and definitely not soon enough."

"Yeah, right, I just... it's moving closer all the time, you know. Anyway, I absolutely can't wait to see you."

"Yeah, I can't wait to see you either..."

Even through the camera, I was sure he was able to tell that my smile was not a happy one but a sad one.

~ 5:34 PM ~

The sound of the door slamming shut along with the last guests leaving left you and your parents on your own. You felt drained from being social and around so many people all day, so you dragged your feet up the stairs into your room.

You threw yourself onto the bed, next to Josh's old hoodie which you had slept in the previous night. You grabbed the material and drew it to your nose to inhale his scent - and felt the longing flood through your body as you closed your eyes. In the darkness, you could almost feel him around you, holding you tight.

Only god knows how long time you slept. The next thing you remember you were jolted awake and it was pitch black in your room. You had dreamt and tried recall what your dream was like until a loud ringing noise echoed from the hallway. It was the doorbell and you realized that it was what had first startled you awake. You skipped across the floor and down the hall wondering who you knew to be crazy enough to come to your house in the middle of the night, unexpected.

"I'm coming, I'm coming" you sighed when the doorbell rang for the third time just as you reached the door and unlocked it to swing it open.

You were immediately met with the sight of piercing blue eyes tearing right through your own Y/E/C ones.

"Missed me?"


You whispered like a dream, a wish, a prayer that had finally been answered.

Not more than two seconds passed until your lips were pressed against his, his hand on your hips, pulling you closer until nothing was in between. The kiss felt like finally rising above the surface after being underwater for years and you were no longer afraid to drown. You only pulled away when you were both literally gasping for air.

"What are you doing here? You were in Japan... just this morning... I don't understand."

"I'd planned it all along. I called you in the morning to make sure you had no reason to think I was acting suspicious. Thirty minutes later I stepped on the plane."

You were still dizzy after the kiss and the fact that he was talking nonsense did not exactly clear your mind.

"I don't understand... you're really here."

You took his head between your hands as to check if he was real and not a phantom.

"I'm here babe. I'm right here."

He whispered into your ear is he pulled you close so you could bury your face in his chest. His clothes smelled too much like him and you were overwhelmed, giving into the tears of relief.

A few hours later, you were laying in your bed, you body intertwined with his. You had decided not to sleep a single second because this one night together was too precious. Josh had agreed with you to stay up but before he knew it he was drooling on your bed sheets, making soft snoring noises every now and then.

You couldn't stop loving every single part of him as you stared at his peaceful face. And suddenly in the middle of the dark, wrapped in your lovers arms, you remembered your dream. And you were sure it had been exactly like this.

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