Chapter Fourteen {part two}

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Play song while listening~


I gulped as I saw the angry looks on their faces. I turned to the girls and whispered something very quietly to them.

"Don't be nervous, just explain what happened." I whispered and they nodded. We sat down in front of them, the room was silent.

"Are you guys going to speak or did we come here for nothing?" Lisa asked with a bit of an attitude.

"No need for an attitude, babe." Jungkook said as he rolled his eyes.

"You also have an attitude so before you say anything to me, maybe you should check yourself!" She said as her voice grew louder.

Jungkook was about to continue, but Hoseok put his hand over Jungkook's mouth and began talking.

"Maknaes there's no need for the arguing! Let's just clear the air!" He said trying to be cheerful.

I laid back in my seat and waited for them to start talking, "Well, go ahead." I said plainly.

"So today at the award show it seemed as if you were targeting us, why was that?" Hoseok asked.

"You guys don't know? How clueless could you be!" Lisa shouted and Jungkook sat up.

"Why don't you inform us a little rather than yelling, your little voice doesn't scare us." Jungkook said as he rolled his eyes.

"Stop rolling your eyes at her, she's clearly upset and all you're doing is making it worse!" Rosé said (oh snap! sis came in to defend her-)

"Ok and she's clearly making him annoyed from her attitude!" Taehyung said as he stood up.

"Who the fuck told you to get involved!" Lisa yelled as she glared at him.

"No one told Rosé to get involved so you can really shut up!" Taehyung yelled.

"There's no reason to yell, Taehyung!" I shouted.

"Mind your fucking business, Jennie!" Taehyung yelled.

"ENOUGH!" Jisoo shouted which made everyone shocked since she's typically always calm. "ALL OF YOU SIT DOWN AND SHUT UP!" She shouted and we listened and got quiet.

"Alright let's clear the air like how you wanted," She said as she walked in front of all of us "Boys you literally stopped texting us and basically ignored after we left! Do you know how that made us feel?!" She yelled as she glared at every single one of the boys.

Jungkook silently laughed which made her snap her head towards him.

"What so funny, huh?!" Jisoo snapped which made Jungkook go quiet with his head hanging low.

"When we decide to give you a taste of your own medicine back and treat you the same way, you guys have the audacity to get upset?!" Jisoo yelled which made the boys look down.

"Jisoo, babe we're sorry." Namjoon said.

"Then you have these two dumbasses coming to us when we're trying to get ready to go home after this long day and demanding we talk to them!" Jisoo yelled as she looked at Jimin and Jungkook, "Seriously? Then you grab Jennie and Lisa by their wrists and force them to talk?! They were clearly trying to do something and you just grab them so you could speak
to them!" She yelled.

"We jus-" Jimin started before Jisoo yelled in his face.

"I don't want to hear it, Jimin! Now look at us, arguing with each other when this could've been prevented! So please let's all move and forget about this, and if I hear any of you back talk you're going to regret it!" She shouted before storming off to Namjoon's room and slamming the door.

"I'll go talk to her.. but girls I'm sorry on behalf of me and the boys!" He said before scurrying off to his room.

I looked up to see Jimin walking towards me, I rolled my eyes and looked away.

"Let's go talk." He said as he grabbed my hand and led me to his room.

"What Jimin?" I said coldly which made him smirk.

"Look at me." He said as he lifted my chin so I could look him directly in the eyes, "I don't want you ignoring me, now you'll have to pay."

"I'm not doing shit!" I scoffed, "You started it!" I exclaimed when he suddenly pushed me against the wall.

"Really now?" He smirked, I was about to say something when I was cut off by his lips pressed against mine.

I slowly felt myself melting away, I closed my eyes and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"That made you get quiet." He said with a smirk before he pushed me into the bed, he was on top.

He moved my hair before he slowly started sucking on my neck.

"J-jimin stop~" I whimpered, before I felt a small bite which made me shiver.

He looked at me with a smirk, "Do you really want me to stop?" He asked and I quickly shook my head.

He leaned in and kissed me once again, I wrapped my arms around his waist bringing him closer to me.

I could feel his mouth slightly open so I took that opportunity to stick my tongue in. I put it a little far back which made him let out a moan.

He placed his hand on my neck and let our tongues intertwine.

"Jimin hyung we decided to go out- OH!" Taehyung shouted since he just walked in on them making out.

Jimin pulled away and shot Taehyung a glare which made him awkwardly smile.

"Um.. well we're going out to eat so.. come on please." Taehyung said awkwardly before quickly leaving the room.

"Ugh!" I whined which made Jimin laugh.

"The control that boy has on me is crazy~" I thought in my head.

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