The Club Part 3

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Panic attack warning! If you're sensitive to this, please don't watch!

Keith POV

I beat that bastard's face in. His name doesn't even deserve to be capitalized. I knew he was unconscious, but the anger burning in my veins wouldn't stop punching until blood poured from his every pore. A loud sob broke me from my frenzy. "Lance". I quickly dropped the man and ran to Lance's side. He was crumpled to the ground, rocking back and fourth. His beautiful blue eyes were wide as oceans poured from them, his beautiful pink lips whispering inaudible words. I shook his already shaking shoulders, hoping to bring him back to me. Lance hardly reacted, just curling into himself further. 

I picked up his small frame, and pulled him into me. He is so cold.. I hugged him closer, hoping to warm him. I kept repeating his name, hoping for him to move at least the littlest bit. I rubbed his arms and hugged him into me. After about fifteen minutes of this process, he wearily looked up at me. "Lance! Are you okay? Lance?", I cupped his cheeks so he could focus on me. Lance squinted, whispering "Keith?". Lance's eyes rolled back into his head, and he slumped into my chest. 

I quickly picked up his naked, and now limp, body. I began sprinting home, hoping Lance's temperature would stay average at least. He began shivering violently in my arms, and I hugged him closer. "Almost home.." I ran across town, cursing Pidge for taking me so far from home. My knees began to give out, the extra weight weighing them towards the earth. But I pressed on, determined to help the beautiful man in my arms. Soon enough, I neared my shitty apartment. Just hours ago, my biggest worry was my boss being a dick at work. It seemed like a whole life ago now. 

Fumbling with my keys worse than a horror movie character, I finally got inside. Welcoming the heat blast from the inner shit hole, I locked the door behind me; that creep might try to get inside. Just as quickly as before, I ran to my bedroom. I gently tucked Lance underneath the blankets. He wasn't as cold as before, but he was just as naked. I looked at The Angel, and my face reddened. Even in this situation, Lance looked so beautiful. 

His small chest rose up and down, and his pink lips were slightly parted. His tiny nostrils flared in time with his chest's rising and falling. His closed eyes more fully showed off his long black eyelashes, making him look slightly more feminine. Keith decided to sleep on the couch, not wanting to scare the small male in front of him in the morning. I flopped on the couch, and grabbed the nearest blanket. As soon as my head hit the pillow, the darkness swallowed my vision, and not even a knocking Pigeon could disturb it now. 

Lance POV 

Beep Beep Beep. My eyes cracked open, as light shone inside the window. I sat up in bed and yawned, before turning off my... alarm clock? I don't have one of those... I looked around, and took in all of my new surroundings. "Was I kidnapped? Holy shit, my kidnapper is poor as fuck.. wait I need to escape. Hopefully they aren't awake yet." I quickly kicked off the blankets and looked around the room for something that could help defend myself. What if they are a killer like..." I paused, last night's memories flooding through my mind. "Lotor.. raped me..." tears flooded my vision and dripped to the floor. Mamá... I'm sorry... I wiped away my tears, and decided to find anything I could to escape. Being in a rapist's house was dangerous, and it would be best to leave as soon as I can. 

Looking under the bed, I found a long ancient sword. Picking it up, I realized it had a strange handle and was quite heavy. (imagine Keith's bayard for me, cuz I can't describe it lol) I held the strange object by what I assumed was the handle, and began swinging it around for effect. Giggling to myself, I began to mock Lotor. I chanted "Look at Me, i'm a big strong gay alien who puts his dick in places they shouldn't nah nah naaah", while swinging the heavy sword around the small room. A loud flash and camera sound drew my gaze to the door, and my face burned red. 

There in the doorway stood a smiling Keith with his phone. He saw everything. My face burned brighter as he walked in with a plate of eggs, pancakes, and toast. Keith smirked, saying "So Lotor, how is your upside down sword practice going?" I quickly returned the sword to it's previous place, stuttering "S-shut up kidnapper". Keith's face dropped, and frowned slightly. "Sorry about that, I had to make sure you were alright. Are you? You were shaking really bad yesterday night. You might need to stay in bed and heal for a little while..". I smiled shyly and replied "I'm alright, thank you for your help yesterday. I really appreciate it.". Keith smiled and said "Well, it isn't every day that you get to save a cutie from off the streets, ya know?". My face burned brighter, and I smiled widely "Cutie? Look who's talking, Mullet". Keith paused, his cheeks flushed. "I-I-I didn't m-mean that! I-I mean I d-did.. b-but not like this!", I laughed. 

I took the plate from his hands, and took my sweet time to gaze all over his features. His Violet eyes, his soft lips, his pink dusted cheeks, even his silky black mullet. I didn't realize how close to him I had become, and I soon noticed his lidded eyes scanning over my body as I had done his. I set the plate on the nearby bed, and gently wrapped my arms around his neck. I stared into his violet eyes, and he stared into mine. I began to lean in closer, my breath wafting gently over his pale skin. Fuck, he's hot. I felt his hands hold on gently to my slim hips, and I hoped they would never leave. "Keith?", I broke the silence. His cheeks reddened as he realized how close we were. "Y-yes, Lance?". I smiled, and drew closer, our noses touching. "Would you go out with me?", he paused and pulled away a little "You.. don't think it's too soon to... ya know? Yesterday's events?". I gently kissed his lips, soft. After a few seconds, he kissed back. It was a sweet, chaste kiss. I pulled away, "I think you're just what I need after yesterday's events. You took care of me, didn't you?". Keith smiled his dazzling smile. "I did, and I will take care of you, Lance. When I saw you up of that stage yesterday? I just wanted to take you home with me. I mean, I did but I didn't do what I was expecting." We both laughed, and decided to eat breakfast together. Oh, and what a perfect breakfast it was. 

(Afterwards, they wrapped the leftovers in Coran-wrap) 

Thank you for reading my shit, Dear Readers^^ Please comment my mistakes and make my life less lonely :3

My boyfriend is ignoring me to play DnD, so I am writing this in retaliation. Ha! Take that! (I'm so immature ;w;)


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