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Everyone ended up spending the night and Taehyung and Jungkook ended up laying on the floor again. The two didn't really seem to mind though. Taehyung decorated his living room with a fluffy rug which made the space comfortable. As everyone is slowly beginning to falling asleep, the two unintentionally roll over at the same time; their faces only centimeters apart. Jungkook's big doe eyes meet Taehyung's shocked eyes and the two freeze. "Sorry," Taehyung whispers, rolling back over.

Jungkook feels his heart racing as he lays down on his back, licking his lips. He tries to fall asleep, but ultimately can't. After an hour or so, the brunette slowly gets up, tiptoeing over Hoseok and going into his room to watch videos on his phone until he feels tired. No more than ten minutes later, he hears his doorknob turning and he looks up to see Namjoon. The older quietly looks around at the new decorations. "I like what you did with the place." He whispers, making Jungkook softly giggle.

"Thank you." Namjoon sits at the edge of the bed. "Why are you awake?" The younger quietly asks, setting his phone down. Namjoon shrugs.

"Couldn't sleep. What about you?"

"Same thing, I guess." Namjoon nods, looking over at the younger who seems to have zoned out.

"Jungkook?" The brunette brings his attention back to the blonde.

"Yeah?" Namjoon looks hesitant before asking what's been on his mind.

"Do you like Taehyung?" His heart does the thing again. The thing where it does a million flips. "As in more than a friend?" His cheeks heat up before quickly denying.

"No." The older looks taken back.

"Really?" Jungkook pauses, looking down at his bed.

"I mean, he wouldn't like me. So, why should I like him?" Namjoon sadly stares at the younger.

"What makes you think he wouldn't like you?" Jungkook's mind ends up racing at the question.

"Because he's so put together and nice and cute and I'm just.. me." Jungkook sadly admits. Namjoon moves to where he's sitting next to Jungkook. The younger shifts over to give him space.

"That's exactly what I thought when I met Jin." The brunette looks over at the blonde. "I thought that he was so perfect and I had those same thoughts. Like, why would he want to be with someone like me?" He pauses, smiling to himself. "Then one day he kissed me and told me he liked me and it's like everything changed. I was so surprised and couldn't believe it, but here we are. Three years later." Jungkook smiles at Namjoon's short, yet heartfelt story. The older looks over at him. "I've never seen Taehyung so happy before you came around." Jungkook's heart skips a beat.

"Really?" Namjoon nods.

"Really." The older lets out a yawn. "But I'm starting to get tired so I'm gonna go back to the living room, alright?" Jungkook nods, still thinking about his words. "Goodnight, Kook."


An hour later, Jungkook goes back into the living room and quietly lays down next to Taehyung in attempt to not wake up the older. Though no more than a few seconds after getting situated, Taehyung rolls over and wraps his arm and leg around Jungkook. The younger's heartbeat quickens. "I was waiting for you to come back." The older tiredly says. Jungkook can't help, but smile.

"I'm sorry."

"You don't have to apologize, silly." Jungkook giggles until a thought enters his mind.

"Tae?" The older mumbles a questioning 'hm?'. "Can we switch? Like so that I'm cuddled.. into.. you? We don't have to. I was just saying-" Tae is already moving to where Jungkook can be in the position he was in, cutting off the brunette's frantic rambling. The younger shyly wraps his arm and leg around the older, resting his head on Taehyung's shoulder.

"I like it more like this anyway." Jungkook's cheeks heat up as he tries to hold back his smile.

And fails.

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