Glowstick's hair color (up there ⬆️)
Glowstick's hairstyle
Glowstick's outfit
Glowstick's jacket
Glowstick's shirt 👚
Glowstick's skirt (focus only on the skirt)
Glowstick's boots 👢
Glowstick's heart
Glowstick's earrings
Glowstick's pet
Name: Sunshine
Eats: Cupcakes 🧁
Favorite colors: pink, blue, and yellow
Least favorite colors: poopy green and brown
Favorite food: spaghetti 🍝
Least favorite food: Split pea soup 🍲
Favorite fruit: all fruits
Favorite vegetables: corn 🌽
Pet peeve: animal 🦔 cruelty and racism