Part 2/3

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It was pretty late, the kids were sleeping already, after dinner, long talks and games, the only ones left at the living room next to the fireplace were Susan and Jessica who were sitting on the rug drinking wine. Both of them a Little bit tipsy laughed and shared anecdotes about their old times when they were Young and they were in Italy at different stages of their lives. The sexual tensión between them become bigger with every sip of wine and with every gesture of the other, Susan was wearing a top with a shoulder off showing off her porcelain skin already a little bit sunburned, leggings and she was barefoot while Jessica had a simple summer dress but in the way she was sitting, Susan could get a glimpse of her perfect tan legs. "So I didn't move out until I had enough money to pay my mime classes" Jessica was talking but Susan was looking at her without move "are you listening to me? Have I bored you?" Jessica chuckled and Susan shook her head

"you are just so beautiful," Susan said, the light of the fire making Jessica glow and her sunkissed skin seemed more perfect than the usual that night.

"don't start Sue" Jessica said in a lower tone

"I want to Kiss you"

"later" Jessica promised and licked her lips

"fuck, don't do that" Susan begged and she leaned closer, Jessica didn't move away this time but suddenly a loud noise was heard, the door had been opened. The two women pulled away quickly and Susan poked her head to see over the couch, "Tim?"

"Yeah, hi, honey. I am home" he said with a chuckle "do you remember when I used to come home after work and I called you like that and then you would be wearing nothing but your kimono and..." he was about to continue but he saw Jessica who instantly felt jealous about imaging Susan with someone else that ws not her.

"oh yeah you are drunk" Susan snapped and then chuckled

"almost no yet" he said looking at Jessica with a smirk and walked to sit on the couch

"I thought you didnt like Jessica, honey" Tim said "no offense Jess"

"what on the earth made you think that?" Susan replied and shook her head

"I don't know I just thought so, both beautiful, sexy, famous and good actresses"

"yeah typical men putting women against each other. We never competed" Susan answered while Jessica stood up and she was about to leave and go to the kitchen but Tim stopped her holding her by her hand and brought it to his lips "it's a pleasure that you are here, you know I always wanted to work with you" the man said looking up at Jessica who glanced down at Susan who had raised an eyebrow and leaned against the couch opposite to the one where Tim was sitting still holding into Jessica's hand

"oh thank you, its a shame it never happened" Jessica replied politely trying to get free but it was useless

"Sam never allowed you to work with me, maybe he thought I would fall in love with you just like he did with you"

"yeah especially because you were with me and I was raising your children at home" Susan said annoyed, she was not sure if it was jealousy of thinking that Tim thought about Jessica, other women in that way back then or because now he was looking at her in that way, was she jealous of Tim or of Jessica?

"well, that kind of love happens just once in life so he should have never worried about me falling for you," she said with a serious tone and offended by his previous comment.

"of course" Susan replied annoyed and rolled her eyes

"Susan. I am joking honey, you were the only one back then"

"yeah, back then"

"Susan, you know what happened and it was not nice"

"Tim shut the fuck up!" Susan snapped and set her glass down. Jessica felt awkward between these two and she walked into the kitchen not knowing what to do and feeling a fire inside her, it was jealousy, yes, she was jealous, why Susan was reacting like that about his ex? Was she still in love with him? It must be what was happening. 

Now Susan was jealous of Tim implying that he had some kind of interest on her. Jessica was looking out of the window. She was tempted to lit up a cigarette but controlled herself, she had been trying to quit since a long time ago since she was with Susan to be exact. When the door opened, Jessica turned around quickly expecting to see Susan but she was wrong, it was Tim,

"I am sorry about that" Tim said opening the fridge door to take a beer

"And Susan?" Jessica asked ignoring his apologies

"She went upstairs. We're fine most of the time, but then, we start talking about why we broke up and the arguments start" He argument trying to explain why she had to witness such an awkward situation between Susan and himself.

"Maybe it's because you are drunk and you were not being –subtle about certain things," Jessica said calmly.

"You Smart girl," Tim said and opened her beer and took a sip.

"I heard a lot about you and Sam when you two Split and then I am sorry I didn't call when he died"

"you didn't have to, we were not together back then"

"but you were her partner for the most part of his life"

"well –I guess so," she said looking down

"it hurts, doesn't it?" he said looking at Jessica's expression "I know how it feels, I experimented it when Susan left me"

"She didn't.."

"yes she did, but we are not getting there right now"

"But now I feel she is trying to make it up for me bringing a friend and giving me the opportunity to get to know her"

"No, Tim, don't fool yourself. I didn't come for whatever you are thinking" She chuckled and she reached out for her bag pulling out a cigarette and lit it already stressed by the situation. She wished Susan was there and she would shut Tim the fuck out and take her with her away from him. He was definitely a different person when he had alcohol in his system.

"I am sorry. I think I am making uncomfortable, I am not trying to do anything, just talking as friends. Would you agree?" He asked and pulled out a chair for her, she hesitated for a second but accepted. She didn't want to be rude after all. She took a seat and puffed the smoke of her cigarette for the opposite side "So did you know Sam well?" Jessica asked and Tim nodded with a laugh before starting to talk to her all about her experiences with Jessica's ex.

The chat turned out into a something full of memories and laughs about their friends in common, Hollywood and Broadway, both had lost the track of time, but for Susan it was an eternity, she kept waiting for Susan to come after her but she got tired of waiting for Jessica, she was fuming and stormed out the bedroom to go and find her, she walked downstairs and heard her laugh, she walked into the kitchen and saw Tim so close to her while she laughed leaning her head back. Susan walked in and threw the glass she was holding against the sink making a loud noise, Jessica and Tim turned to look at her and she ignored them

"We thought you were sleeping," Tim said to Susan but she didn't respond. She was already wearing her sleeping gown and a matching robe over it, her red hair was up in a messy bun, she usually doesn't wear that kind of fancy sleepwear but she was doing it for and because of Jessica who seemed not to care at all about it, she seemed to be enjoying her ex-lover's attention.

"Sue?" Tim called her and Susan kept ignoring them,

"I woke up! What's the matter with that!?" She snapped and Jessica stood up and walked over her.

"woah, woah, what's has gotten into you?" She whispered to Susan who was pouring a new glass with vodka. Jessica felt immediately "You are jealous!" Jessica exclaimed. Susan didn't reply and let out a sigh

"you are jealous because Tim is not all over you, you still love him!" Jessica said whispering but still loud enough so Susan could hear she was upset but Susan ignored her affirmation just confirming what Jessica was thinking.

"Fuck! Fuck!" Jessica exclaimed stepping back and feeling that her heart was in her throath, Susan still had feelings for her ex and now she was there stuck in the middle and the last thing she wanted was looking at her lover suffering for someone else.

Tim heard them whispering and laughed "girls, it's not time to keep secrets from me," He said walking closer and wrapping his arm around Jessica's shoulder. He might be sure that Susan had brought Jessica to introduce her with him and Susan stupidly thought that Jessica might be looking for a man and even more stupidly that she would go after her ex. 

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