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taehyung went through his day as normal, because much to his own surprise, the boy had somehow completely forgotten about his little "date" with a certain min yoongi that night until hoseok brought it to his attention.

"so what outfit do you have picked out?"

tae stopped in the middle of his dorm kitchen, setting his phone on the counter after putting hoseok on speaker. "outfit? i'm wearing pj's."

"you're wearing pj's to yoongi's??"

it struck him like a brick to the head. taehyung felt his face drain. "oh my gosh. i-...i'm supposed to be there at nine. what time is it now?"

"tae, i swear, you actually forgot?"

"the time."

"it's 8:56. i figured you were on your way by now."

"i am not. i am currently standing barefoot in the kitchen regretting my existence."

"don't regret your existence," hoseok said with a sigh of disappointment. "just regret your pea-sized brain. now go throw together that button-down, jeans, and headband and make yoongi fall in love with you."

"that's not what i'm trying to do!" taehyung protested, groaning. "we're just having coffee!"

"8:57, tae."

"i have to go. i'll talk to you later."

"lemme know how it goes. bye-bye."

he hung up in a frantic hurry, racing back to his room to grab the first button-down shirt he could find, then a pair of jeans, giving up with the headband after thirty seconds because he didn't have time to be looking for that right now.

in the rush of things the man nearly forgot to put on shoes. but he did make sure to check his hair, because he saw it one of his most attractive features - not that he was trying to appeal to yoongi, of course not, but he wanted to at least look presentable if he were going to be a guest at someone's home. so that would include wearing shoes.

on his motorcycle he hopped and sped off. the weather was calm, unlike taehyung. he could only hope yoongi didn't assume he'd been lied to, or canceled on. that would just make tae feel horrible, and he already felt horrible for forgetting. it was simply in his nature to do so.

yoongi didn't live too far, which was about the only thing going in taehyung's favor at the moment. he arrived at the apartment before long and checked the time - 9:12 p.m. twelve minutes late.

he hastily dismounted his bike and ran towards yoongi's door. then, as discreetly as he could, tae knocked.

a few agonizing seconds slipped by. the door opened.

and for the third time taehyung found himself face to face with the oddly adorable, dark-haired, pale-complexioned man who made taehyung stutter upon first encounter.

yoongi had on a thick gray sweatshirt and black sweatpants. he looked cozy. tae bit back a smile.

"i sorry," he said breathlessly. "i kinda have a horrible memory so it completely slipped my mind and that's why i'm late. i'm...i'm sorry i hope you didn't think i-"

"it's okay."

taehyung stopped.

"you can come inside, if you'd like."

dazed for a moment, the taller man gave a slow nod and tentatively stepped inside the apartment so that yoongi could close the door.

"please excuse the mess. i have a problem."

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