"I'll Be The One!"

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Eye's fluttered opened as the sun shined, shimmering overhead. A single male shifted on the grass, waking up. He slowly sat up, looking around. The male was wearing a dark blue shirt, a pair of slightly baggy jeans, miss match shoes (right being blue and left being red) and a yellow scarf. "Where, am i?" The male said aloud, scratching his messed up dark red hair. His dark green eyes blinked a few more to make sure everything was being saw right.

He slowly got up, causing a small creature to fall onto the ground. He took notice and crouched down, picking up the fallen creature. He was soon met face to face with a baby rabbit, it's nose wiggling.

 He was soon met face to face with a baby rabbit, it's nose wiggling

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"Hello. You wouldn't happen to know where i am would you?" The male asked the small creature. It didn't give a answer, just simply staring back adorably. With a small shrug, he smiled and held onto the baby.

He began to walk towards a part of the city, moving away from the previously figured out park. He wondered the sidewalks, looking around at everything. He was absolutely amazed. "Sugoi."

He soon stopped at a place. "The flower?" He said to himself, confused by the name. His thoughts were interrupted by a large growl. Looking sad, he held a hand on his stomach before stepping in. He was soon greeted by the owner.

"Hello there, what would ya like?" Before he could say a single word, his stomach growled once again, making him sweatdrop. The owner giggled. "Anything i assume?" She asked. He nod before going and sitting at a table. He let the baby rabbit go, watching it move.

The animal began to sniff around, learning it's surroundings. It then hopped back over to the male. With a smile, he picked the small animal up. It kicked out of his hands and landed on his shoulder before finding it's way into his scarf, finding it comfortable enough to sleep.

The owner walked up to the table and sat a plate of foot onto the table. "Hope ya like it!" She said with a smile. The male looked at it before taking a bite. Before he knew it, he was eating it whole. "Slow down!" The owner said with a giggle. "Hey, where are you parents?" She asked. She just noticed that he looked a bit young.

Upon finishing the food and making sure he didn't choke, he looked at her with a sign of confusion. "Parents? I... Don't think i have any..." He said. Thoughts flew around in his head as something were remembered. All he could remember was their eyes, gold and green.

He looked down, feeling sad. The owner began to think before walking away. She couldn't take care for him as she didn't have much room for him nor possibly the time, so she ended up calling people who could take him.

-(Build Up) A Week-

It's been a week since the boy ended up in the orphanage. As of currently, he was taking care of his pet rabbit, deciding on naming it Hopper. He smiled as he fed the creature a carrot. He rested his head on his arm, petting Hopper's soft honey brown fur.

"I'll Be The One!" Senki Zesshou Symphogear x Kamen Rider BuildWhere stories live. Discover now