Chapter 1:first impressions

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Eric was 15 and tori was 14 they were both on fbe's react channel, although Eric had been on it for a year before tori.
~It was the first official react summer party~
Tori's POV: ok I'm at the react summer party and I know like no one welp this should be fun... I'll just go on Twitter.
*eric takes her phone out of her hand*
T: hey, give it back
E: no let me take some selfies first
T: *eyeroll* what are those shoes and how are you gliding?
E: oh my heelys? Pretty sweet huh?
T: *eyeroll* just give me back my phone
E: wait *eric takes a million selfies on Tori's phone* here you go
T: thx by the way what's your name?
E: only the amazing eric, what about yours?
T: Victoria but call me Tori
E: ok nice meeting you tori, welp imma role out
T: k see ya around
Omg he's kinda cute
~at lunch~
Tori is eating a big bowl of spaghetti and almost a whole Baguette
*eric takes a pic of tori eating*
T: delete it!
E: hehe sure
T: seriously I look horrible when I'm eating
E: what you have pics of me on your phone so I'm returning the favour
Tori gives him a look
E: fine I'll delete *doesnt delete it*

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