The most amazing day ever

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A/N hey sorry if my story style changes and doesn't make sense idk what I'm doing with yea enjoy!

~While looking for a new house Tori moves in with Eric and his parents~

Everyone is being really supportive about the pregnancy and Eric's mum has been extremely helpful! Today is the gender reveal and we also have some other exciting news to share!
T: Hi guys, thank you everyone for coming and supporting us through out this, Eric and I are very excited to share the gender!
E: So we have a bucket of slime that's either pink or blue and we're going to poor it over Tom, but we need another person...
T: Nico come stand next to Tom please!
E: So the reason we need to people is because...
T: We're having Twins!!!!!
Everybody is happy and crying
E: so let's find out the genders!
T: baby number one is.... A GIRL!!!
E: baby number two is...A BOY!
Tori starts crying of happiness, then all of a sudden Eric gets on one knee.
E: (with tears in his eyes) Tori, I love you and our little family so much, and I want to promise my love to you and our little family forever, Tori... will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me??!
T: (crying) OF COURSE!!!
Eric stands up and they kiss, everyone is crying and everyone starts to hug!
That night while they are cuddling
T: I can't believe I'm going to marry the love of my life and have twins!
E: I know, I'm so happy! I told you everything was going to work out!
T: I love you so much
E: I love you more, (he puts his head on her stomach) and I love you guys too!

~A couple days later~
Tori's POV
Mikaela: Hey girl ready to go shopping?!
T: yep, let's go!
E: bye Tori, I love you! (They kiss)
M: omg why are my best friends so fucking cute together?!!
T: hehe Love you Eric, bye!
~at the mall~
M: okay so we gonna get baby stuff, I'm so happy like my baby fever is tweaking!
T: well lucky for you, we have two babies to buy for.
M: I know I'm so excited!
While walking in the mall they meet some fans!
F1: omg hi!!!!
T&M: oh hey guys!
F2: Omg congratulations Tori, I cant believe you're having twins!
T: I know I'm so excited!
F1: we just bought these baby onesies and we were gonna send them to you, but we can give them to you in real life!
T: awww thank you so much!
Fans: no problem, bye!
T&M: thank you guys, bye!
T: aww they were so sweet!
M: I know, I love fans!
They ship around and buy a bunch of adorable baby outfits.
T: okay my backs starting to hurt, can we get lunch then go home?
M: of course!
T: ok thanks!
~Back at home~
T: hey babe, I'm home!
E: hey baby, how was it?!
T: great, we got a bunch of outfits, my back and feet are killing me though!
E: well I think that means Movie and massage time, Mikaela do you and Tom want to join us?
M: of course, I'll call him now!
(In this story Mikaela and Tom are dating!)
They have a movie marathon and order pizza!

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