Tori pregnant

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*WARNING* this story includes sex and pregnancy!

July 13th 2019
They celebrated their 1 year anniversary at vidcon and had a little fun (😉) that night but they were a bit drunk and forgot an important step when having fun...

4 weeks later
~over text~
T: hey babe I'm not going to work bc I still feel sick!
E: babe it's been 3 days of u feeling sick, u should see a doctor!
T: yea I'll make an appointment but can u pls take me bc I feel to shit to drive
E: ofc bby! I'll see you soon
T: love you ❤️
E: love you more 😘

~at the doctors~
Doctor: hello tori and This is...? (Talking to Eric)
E: Eric, her boyfriend
D: okay nice to meet you eric, so tori what seems to be the problem today?
T: for the last three days I've felt really sick!
D: in what way?
T: I've been really nauseous, tired, light headed and I I just don't want to eat or do anything.
D: okay, do you have any pre existing problems related to your period?
T: nooo...??
D: okay then, has it been late or early lately?
T: not previously but it's due tomorrow
D: okay have you been sexually active recently?
T: yess....
D: with protection?
T: yea we always use protection
D: well then I'm sorry, I'm unsure of what going on because the only reasons that you're feel this way is either you have some complications with your period, you have a stomach bug or you're pregnant. So if I was you I'd just take it easy but to be honest if there's any chance you could be pregnant I'd suggest taking a test!
T: okay thank you, see you next time!
E: bye

~in the car afterwards~
T: Eric...
E: yes...?
T: you know our anniversary sober were we?
E: not very sober... do you think...?
T: I'm not sure but I think we should buy a test.
E: okay

They buy three different brands of tests and go to Eric's house.
*tori takes all three tests*
T: okay it says wait 3-5 minutes
E: okay
It was the most nervous 5 minutes ever
* Tori looks at the tests and bursts into tears*
T: all three of them are positive
E: are those happy tears or sad tears...?
T: both, I've always wanted to be a mom but we're still very young
*eric pulls her into a hug*
E: it's gonna be fine
~30 mins later once they've had time to process what just happened~
T: okay, we have to tell our parents...
E; okay how are we going to do it?
T: I think we'll tell your mom first because she's just upstairs and she'll probably take it better.
E: okay, do you want to do it now?
T: yes
E: okay, I love you and we'll get through this
~upstairs sitting with Eric's mum in the living room~
E: okay mom, we have something to tell you...
Karla (Eric's Mum): okay
T: so ummm... we are ummm... pregnant.
Karla jumps up and gives them both a hug
K: oh my goodness, did you just find out?
T: yes, just then downstairs
K: oh I'm so happy, but how do you feel about it?
*tori starts crying*
T: I'm nervous, I've wanted kids but later in life not yet.
Karla hugs tori
K: sweetie it's going to all be okay, everything happens for a reason
T: thanks Karla

~later at Tori's house~
T: hey mom
Silvia (Tori's Mum): hey sweetie, how'd the doctors appointment go?
T: umm yea I have to tell you something about that...
S: okay?
T: so ummmm the doctor said there was a possibility that I was I took a test and....
*tori starts crying again*
S: oh tori don't cry it's okay
T: yea so basically I'm pregnant
S: baby it's okay, I'm here for you and I'm sure eric and his family are too
*eric nods*
E: of course
S: baby you're gonna get through this
T: you're not mad?
S: of course not, I've always wanted grand kids and you're both responsible adults with jobs!
T: thanks mom, love you
S: love you too sweetie

~in Tori's room~
E: well that went better then expected
T: yea I feel a bit better, but still really emotional!
E: so when are we going to tell other people?
T: I feel like friends and co-workers we wait a month and fans we'll wait two months
E: okay good idea
T: babe I just realised we need to work out living arrangements
E: oh shit yea... what do you want to do?
T: I mean I want to have a home of our own but we don't quite have enough saved
E: Tori don't worry, I'm sure my parents will help out I mean they did with my brothers
T: okay but let's not worry about that until later
E: okay I love you
*eric kisses Tori's stomach*
E: and little bean... I love you
T: I love you babe
They talk for a while then tori gets a text
S: hey tori, your dad's home do you want me to tell him or do you want to?
T: ummm can you please I'm not sure how'll he'll take it
S: ok baby
Tori's Mum tells her dad and he takes it well
Nicholas (Tori's little brother) comes home from school and goes to Tori's room because he saw Eric's car parked in the driveway
N: hey eric
E: hey bro
N: Tori why are your eyes puffy?
T: ummm niko we have something to tell you
N: ohh kkk.....
E: so bro you've taken puberty classes right
N: yeeaahh??
E: well you know what girlfriends and boyfriends do
N: ewww what are you trying to say
E: well ummm you need to use protection and if you don't then there's a chance that the girl will get pregnant
N: wtf bro? Oh wait I understand now you got my sister pregnant...
E: yeaaa
N: ok eric that's a really bad way to explain that
T: he's right eric
E: sorry it's how my brother told me
N: lol
T: anyway niko what do you think
N: well I'm kinda disgusted knowing you've been having sex but besides that idc
T: okay

1 month later
~Eric's room~
With Tom, Brando and mikela
T: ok so guys eric and I have something we've been keeping from you
Everyone else: okay...
T: well I'm 2 months pregnant
Mikela: omg yay *hugs tori*
Tom: holy shit guys congratulations
Brando: yay a baby toric
They all chat and record a video

1 month later
~recording a video~
T: hey guys welcome to another video and no you didn't read the title wrong... I am pregnant...
*they film the rest of the video*

2 days later
T: hey eric I'm looking through the comments and the fans a really happy!
E: I told you they'd be happy with it
T: I'm happy that they're happy

A/N so that's that sorry it's so shitty and all over the place and let me know if you want me to continue or start a new toric fanfic

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