3.My Dad's decision.

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It was so...close.I thought today was my last day in this world..."I'm home!!"I said pretending to be cheerful."How was your first day,princess??"Dad asked."It was fine."I lied and went upstairs in my room.Thanks to that jerk,my whole day got ruined...
"Thank god...the day is over,no more trouble now..."I muttered to myself.
Suddenly,someone knocked at the door."Come in."I said but the person didn't entered the room and continued to knock."Lisa...Is that you??"I called out.Lisa is my younger sister,2yrs younger than me.I got fed up of the irritating noise...but when I opened the door of my room to my surprise no one was there.'Is it a prank??'I asked to myself.No it can't be cause I can still hear someone knock.I turned at the place from where the knocking sound was coming. It was from the veranda's door.I opened the veranda's door."You?!!"I shouted as I saw the devil himself, Jimin.Has he come here to murder me in my own room so no one would suspect him??I'm doomed."What are you doing here??"I asked the first question in my mind.He just smirked and entered my room.I know I need a punishment for slapping his precious face but...Jumping from Mount Everest would be a better option for me."Wait how did you know my address??"I asked. "Are you stalking me??"I asked again."No.I just followed you..."he said."Means the same. "I said. "Anyways,why are you here??"I asked."To..."He was only midsentence when suddenly someone knocked at the door. This time really the room's door.
"Go away..."I said and tried to 'shoo'him."Princess,open the door"Dad called out. "I'm coming. "I shouted."Go..."I said and pushed him out of the room.I made sure he goes.
So,I waited until he climbed down the ladder and went away in his car.Literally,he brought a ladder.I opened the door for dad."Yes,dad??"I asked praying that he hadn't come because he saw a creep climbing up in a ladder to my room."Was there someone in your room?I thought I heard you talking to someone."Dad said with a suspicious look on his face."Oh no...Dad I was just talking on the phone ."I said making an innocent face.
"Oh...by the way,Me and your mother are going on a business trip with my boss and other colleagues.So...what I was telling was..."Dad said and paused."To take care of myself and Lisa,right??"I asked."And my boss's son too."Dad said."What?!!"I shouted."Why should I take care of him??"I asked."He is a very nice guy,he studies in your high school.You and your sister can live in his house"Dad said calmly."Oh and he has got maids and butlers also..."Dad continued."Since he has maids and butlers to take care of him...why should I...??"I asked."It's dangerous for you and your sister to live by yourself..."Dad said."Um...Ok but when will you guys return??"I asked."Maybe 2 months."Dad said."What 2 months!!"I exclaimed. "Please princess...It's urgent and I might get a promotion."Dad said."Dad,its just been 2 days we moved in to Seoul from our old town and you are already leaving..."I said."Please,Princess..."He pleaded again.
"Ok..."I said giving him a big fake smile.

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