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After a few polite goodbyes, the two couples left together. As soon as they had left the classroom, Hermione offered, "Do you two want some dinner?"

Instantly, both Harry and Draco shook their heads; they didn't need to confer.

"First, I have to find Ginny and apologise for making her cry," Harry spoke for them both, "and then I think we'll get that early night."

Draco nodded his agreement. Hermione still had the ghost of the prophecy revelation in her eyes, but Harry knew that it wasn't the time for discussions about it; he wasn't in fact very tired, having been cooped up all day, but he was in need of some privacy since the coop had had eyes.

"Mum's not happy about Ginny in tears," Ron warned, making a face. "In fact, she's doing her dragon impression."

"You think I'll be able get past the teeth and flames?" Harry joked.

"Well after that, there's Minerva to deal with," Hermione joined in with a laugh. "Molly may singe your ears, but she won't turn you into a frog."

"Sounds like you need to go armed," Draco observed and was given reproving stares from the others until he scoffed, "Not like that. You need the standard issue apology weapon, guaranteed to get you forgiven."

"I didn't know Slytherins knew how to apologise," Ron jibed, and received a supercilious look before Draco pointedly ignored him and continued, "To bring round mothers, aunts, sisters, amours, in fact any female," Hermione narrowed her eyes at that, but Draco was unrepentant, "and to get you through the front lines to your target: go armed with foliage."

Ron sniggered, Hermione tried to look offended while she was giggling, Harry laughed, and Draco put on an expression which said he was mortally wounded by the mirth; that was until he came to a smart halt and an epiphany crossed his face.

"In fact, I know where to get some," he announced as though he'd just begun to take himself seriously, and grabbed Harry by the arm. "Come on, Potter, we have to go and collect some things from the room before we find the target."

Harry waved to his surprised, but thankfully, amused, friends as he was summarily dragged away in the opposite direction by a man with purpose written all through his manner.

"See you tomorrow," he managed before he was hauled around the corner.


Harry watched as Draco charged around their room on a mission that involved a cup and saucer which magically lost its handle and gained some holes in the bottom of the cup, a pair of scissors and the very healthy plant that Draco had been feeding with growing magic until it had become more of a small bush. Harry liked to sit out in gardens and watch the world go by; he'd never been good at herbology, and he'd always thought that Malfoy had only applied himself, because that's what the overachiever did in every subject. However, since remembering Ilexa, the wizard had been devoted to his plant, studiously increasing the size of the pot every time it was needed and watering and removing dead foliage. This time, he spent a while examining the prolific shrub, searching for something which eluded Harry; once he found it, a careful snip took a cutting, which was reverently laid on the table while Draco filled his tea cup with earth. Draco at work was, as with most other things Draco, an easy fixation for Harry, and he was quite enrapt as his lover placed the newly hewn plant into his impromptu pot and then held out his hands. The natural magic was different from the other powers that were massed inside Draco; it felt separate, alive to Harry's instincts, and he liked it when Draco used it, because it never failed to make him horny.

His baser instincts crept up on the observer, and he was swiftly tingling all over; the reason Draco was working his talents drifted away as the small plant was not the only thing to be growing in the presence of the gentle green glow. By the time his lover turned to him and held up his creation for approval, Harry was well on the way to considering how best to get him out of his clothes as fast as possible, any thought of Ginny having been marked as 'can be done later'. Draco's instant response to a horny boyfriend was lust, Harry could see it in his face, but it lasted a mere microsecond before being replaced with a pained expression and then the comment, "Potter, I'm the one who you have to damp down, not the other way round. I can't believe I'm saying this, but apology first, sex later."

When Darkness Threatens - Moment by Moment Book #5 (Harry Potter, Drarry)Where stories live. Discover now