Elemental Fear

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There were some advantages to living in an environment that maintained an even temperature, and one of them for Harry that evening was that neither he, nor Draco bothered to put on any clothes, even once showering and sex had eased into petting and then they had finally put their attention to training. That didn't mean the petting ended, in fact, being naked, it rather meant that their activities intensified again, but Harry tried to direct them.

Harry had a loose hold on Draco, and they were lounging over the pillows on the bed. He was enjoying the echoes of Draco's magic running free, and he was paying more attention to the way his body was feeling, the small eddies of pleasure that sensing Draco gave him, than in what Draco was actually doing with his talents. The lid popping off Molly's tin where it was sat at the end of the bed, was therefore a surprise.

"Hungry for something more than sex, then?" Harry observed wryly, but even as he planted a light kiss on Draco's shoulder, he heard his own stomach rumble at the prospect of food.

"If we can train and fuck, I don't see why we can't eat, train and fuck," Draco returned, and as if to prove his point, shifted down and round in Harry's arms and pulled him into a more substantial embrace.

Shots of more than just delight ran up and down Harry's back as magic danced over his skin: Draco was becoming very adept with light titillation. Harry had yet to decide to what kind of use such a talent could be put outside the bedroom, unusual distraction tactics maybe. The magical touches, which could range from feather-light to aggressive strokes, certainly kept him occupied. Still, not all training had to have a clear purpose, and Harry was not feeling like being a task master, especially not when undirected Draco was pushing all his buttons.

There was more going on than mere titillation, however, Harry could feel it in the way his stomach was flip-flopping, and he found out what it was when Draco let go of his neck and he sat up. Floating in front of them, twirling slowly, were two cheese straws.

"Two unconnected tasks at once," Draco crowed, and leisurely reached for the nearest pastry.

"Very impressive," Harry agreed, offering his own form of praise in a stroke of his hand over Draco's thigh.

Crow became purr, and Draco shifted his leg into the manual form of titillation. His limitation did not pass Harry by, and that thought brought forward others to do with demonstrations of madness. Harry stopped the caress and grabbed cheese straw, but the action did not chase away the outside world. He disliked Draco's infallible habit of remembering where he had left off after a distraction was over, and he found it even more odious in his own conscience, but reality had to be faced. Having his reward interrupted by a sudden cooling in ardour meant that Draco couldn't fail to spot the change in Harry, and much to Harry's already downwardly spiralling mood, his partner sat up and frowned at him.

"Something on your mind, Potter?" Draco launched with hostility that came with talking about 'playing crazy'.

There was no point in hiding his thoughts now: Harry knew Draco's Slytherin instincts were making connections faster than he could back out of the situation. He sighed, and admitted, "I spoke to Albus today, and given how close we are to having the Azkaban plan ready, it's time for another demonstration, something to make it obvious I'm a danger to more than Llewelyn."

"How obvious?" Draco growled, his brow knitting further.

"The Mess again, Llewelyn will start it, you'll try to stop him, but I'll flip."

"You can't play with your sanity like this, Harry," his companion objected, and before Harry could look away, took hold of his face in both hands; Draco spoke with a sincerity which chilled Harry to the bone as he said, "Remember, I've been there."

When Darkness Threatens - Moment by Moment Book #5 (Harry Potter, Drarry)Where stories live. Discover now