𝔓𝔞𝔯𝔱 5

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Draco awoke with a start, a wave of dread of fear crashing down onto him - the vanishing cabinet was not going well and Snape had almost extracted what he was doing out of his mind. He threw the covers of fine silk away from him as though it were a disease, abruptly standing up and burying his face into his hands. Lilith was tantalising, tormenting and teasing with a sight or promise that their lips meeting and the passion he had encased inside of him for what felt like centuries would finally be set free to kiss her lips and touch her and to- well they are plenty of other things but they were far too dirty to even let his mind think of when he was in plain sight of his dormitory mates. It was torture.
Months of torment encased Draco and Lilith, and they both needed to arbitrate on what they planned to do as the end of year exams approached. Soon enough, that decision would have made itself and that dreadfully, heavenly evening was fast approaching. The days were gnawing, clawing and craning, the week diminishing like seconds and the day that awaited at the end of it hungry for hell raising. The early evening was a tremendous excuse for pathetic fallacy, the daunting, grey clouds rolling across the darkening sky and thunder echoing across Hogwarts. Every now and them, a glinting strike of lightning lit up the growling sky, and damp spread across the landscape like the plague, as the rain raced down as sharp as glass. It clattered on the windows and hammered on the roof. A beautiful storm, predicting the future.

A candle flickered nearby Lilith's bed, where she sat, reading. Her eyes darted from one side of the page, to the other, working through the revision fast. A loud commotion distracted her, arising from the common room. She continued reading. The commotion got louder, and just as she was to dismiss it once more, a piercing scream sliced through the walls and into her ears. She strode towards the door, grasping her wand close by, her green sweater getting caught on the bed post. She unhooked it, and continued her journey to witness the seemingly strange commotion. Her pupils were flooded with a student packed common room, children and teens anxiously chattering. hyperventilating, crying and packing. She bustled through the alarmed crowd, to find someone she knew or had at least spoke to. She tumbled into Blaise, his dark skin glowing like honey in the candle-light. His face melted into less of a shock and more into sadness. He swallowed hard. And in that split second, Lilith had never sensed that something so terribly awful and dauntingly evil had emerged from the shell it was pushed into.

"What the heaven, it going on?" Lilith seethed.

"Deatheaters. A load of em' escaped and they're raiding Hogwarts. They've already stormed the Gryffindor tower, everyone's freaking the fuck out. You need to go, to hide. No one can dissapparate, Hogwarts is impenetrable. Honestly, you don't have a chance. Draco told me about the mark. But I swear, no one else knows."

"Where is Draco?"

"I don't know. He's not in here. I have a bad feeling he's out there fighting," he glanced at Lilith's hopeful expression, "fighting for the wrong side."

Lilith didn't know what to do. Her head was a swirling mess, clogged and clasped shut. Worry rattled her ribcage and pressed against her organs, her stomach churning, her head reeling. She stumbled forwards, pushing people out the way. In that moment, nothing else mattered. It was like a scratchy record in head, Draco, Draco, Draco. She felt as though it was an instinct, an impulse to find him, make sure he was safe. It was a though she was being pulled by a rope, because all that was left in her dizzy mind was Draco, she need to get to Draco. She ran like she had never done before, her shoes rubbing against her heels, the polished floors like an endless maize. Her legs carried her along the corridor, into every classroom, every broom cupboard. She could hardly breathe, her lungs collapsing, her heart drumming. And then everything stopped. Everything froze and for a split second she thought she had encountered a dementor.

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