Chapter 3

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My parents took me shopping at a grocery store today. They let me pick out what I wanted to eat. I smelled some delicious smells and followed them. It led me to the meat section. I picked out some chicken, pork, and beef. We got home and my parents watched in awe as I ate a raw pork chop straight from the package. After I ate I took a shower then went to bed.

I woke up in the morning to the smell of blood. "Hey, mom?" Mom pokes her head in the door. "Yeah?" "Are you ok?" She looks at me in confusion. "What do you mean?" I point at her hand. "You cut your hand didn't you?" She looked surprised. "How did You know about that?!" "I could smell your blood in the air." She turned to the hallway. "I'm ok, get ready for school. I need to talk on the phone." I get my school clothes on. I stop by the freezer and grab a steak. I thaw it in the microwave and begin eating it. After I eat I wait near the door for mom. She walks me to school.

I talk to Midoriya during recess. "The doctor thinks my quirk is manifesting." He seems excited. "Cool! What quirk do you think it is?" I shrug. "I don't know. It changes what I eat though." He nodded. "Let me know what it us when you find out." After school Dad takes me to see the doctor. "Y/n, your father says that you were aware of a cut on your mother's hand while in a different room." I nodded. "Everyone has a different blood smell. Mom's was really strong so I knew she was bleeding." The doctor nodded. "Have you noticed anything else strange?" I thought for a second. "The other day I got into a fight. I somehow dodged his punch without my mind telling me to. See I have a burn here from the fight." I rolled up my sleeve, but the burn was gone. "What? It was right here. It healed really fast. Oh, I also have these fangs in my mouth." I smile and show him my teeth. The doctor nods. "Thank You." He calls Dad back in. "I have concluded your daughter's quirk." I smiled. "Really?" The doctor turned to Dad. "It appears that your daughter's quirk is Vampire." Me and dad both reply at the same time. "What?" The doctor nods. "Your daughter has heightened reflexes, a taste for raw meat products, a strong sense of smell, and fast healing. These are the common characteristics of a fictional vampire so that is what I will call her quirk." Dad nods. "So do I just feed her raw meat?" The doctor nods. "I can get in touch with a friend of mine. He happens to own a farm in the country. I will give you his number so you can order from him." Dad nods and thanks the doctor.

Me and dad start heading home. "Dad?" "What?" "Is my quirk bad? Is it bad that I have a quirk that makes me eat bad food?" Dad shakes his head. "Honey, your perfect no matter what your quirk is. Always remember that." I nod. "Thanks dad"

Timeskip~ 8 years

I hurried to school this morning. I am really late. I eat breakfast as I sprint to school, well more like drink it. I drink a juice box full of pig's blood. It sounds gross to most people, but it's like chocolate cake for me. I drop the empty juice box in a trashcan as I enter class. The bell rings a few seconds later. Izuku and my classes are different so we always have to meet up after school. My quirk changed most of my body systems. I can't digest anything other than blood or raw meat. Anything else just gets thrown back up. My quirk doesn't go by common vampire myths. Sunlight doesn't affect me, my skin doesn't sparkle, garlic doesn't hurt me, and no, my heart beats and I have to breathe oxygen to live. The 'vampire' traits that my quirk gives me is strength, fast reflexes and healing, night vision, and based on other opinions elegance. I believe that I just have a talent for that matter. I enjoy gymnastics and yoga.

The teacher is talking about everyone getting into a good heroing school. I am going to try for U.A. with Izuku. Bakugo tells him that he can't be a hero, but I disagree. He is smart and cunning. Even if he doesn't have He is smart and cunning. Even if he doesn't have overwhelming strength from a quirk, he could easily outsmart a villain. I think he just needs to be given a chance. I will be walking alone today. I need to pick up some supplies from the hardware store. I've been working on a treehouse and I need to pick up a climbing rope and some nails.

    After school, I take out my leftover lunch and eat it on the way. I don't like openly eating in public so I disguise all my food. It looks like I am drinking juice when in reality it is blood. Everyone judges me because of my diet. Izuku is the only one who doesn't. I enter the hardware store and spend a couple hours browsing before I pick out what I need. As I walk I see smoke above nearby buildings. I run over to the source to find a crowd of people. I push through until I see what's going on. There is a huge blob monster thing in the alley. I look closely and see someone inside. That person is Bakugo. I'm looking at heroes who can help when a familiar green-headed boy runs past my view straight for the villain.

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