Meeting the boys

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It is past dinner time and ur brother Sonny walks in the room

Sonny: Hey Sis have you packed and are you all ready to go?
Y/N: Yeah hold on there by the sofa can u give me a hand please
Sonny: Yeah sure

Sonny helps you take your stuff to the car and you start heading off onto the road until 2 hours later you reach a house

Sonny: Ok we're here let's leave your stuff in here ok just bring your rucksack ok
Y/N: Ok

You both get out the car and walk into the door and a see a cute blonde smiling at you as you walk into the door

Y/N: Hey you must be Andy I'm Y/N u ok wuu2??
Andy: NM just basically waiting for you 2 to get here
Y/N: Oh really why's that may I ask?
Andy: No reason what so ever
Y/N: Ok

2 mins have past and there was a pause until he looks into your eyes and as soon as u were about to kiss Sonny comes into the room

Sonny: Hey I see you have met Andy
Y/N: Yeah he is so funny
Sonny: Yeah ok, so come with me a sec please Y/N I wanna show u something
Y/N: Oh ok
Andy: I'll come ok
Sonny: Ok

Andy smiles at you then you three head into the kitchen and u see the rest of the BOYS standing there

Sonny: Y/N meet Rye
Rye: Hey
Sonny: Meet Jack
Jack: Wassup
Sonny: And meet Brook
Brook: Hi
Sonny: And you have already met Andy

Andy winks at you so u smile but no one sees

Brook: So Y/N what have you been up to lately?
Y/N: Not much i just draw and listen to music, it's a hobby of mine
Brook: I tried drawing Jack once and he looked like a potato

Everyone in the room laughs until Rye comes up to u and asks to speak to you in private

Rye: Hey you ok? Can I speak to you please
Y/N: Yeah I'm fine, Erm yeah sure

You and Rye head to the hallway but u don't know that Andy watches you leave and and gets all sad

Y/N: So what u need?
Rye: So basically since you know Sonny really well I thought that cause it's his birthday next week then I would do something big for him, do u know anything?
Y/N: Yeah he LOVES music so make sure thats involved

U both laugh

Rye: Ahh thanks
Y/N: Anything else?
Rye: Yeah, if u need to stay in a room for tonight before we sort the guest bedroom out tomorrow then I am more than happy to let you sleep in my room
Y/N: You Sure?
Rye: Yeah I'm sure

Rye smiles at you then all of a sudden he takes your hand and brings you back into the kitchen and u see Andy and Brook

Brook: Hey Y/N Hey Rye What have you been up to?

Andy looks sad a bit but only to u notice cause he sees Rye touch ur hand

Rye: NM just getting to know eachother
Y/N: Yeah, oh Andy can I speak to u for a sec please

Andy looks at you and grins then you and him go to his room and shut the door

Andy: Oh Y/N em can I tell u something real quick
Y/N: Erm sure, go ahead
Andy: Well there is this girl I really like and i wanna ask her out but i dont know how please can ou help me
Y/N: Yeah sure so what your gonna do is text her and tell her how you feel about it and then ask her out
Andy: Oh ok imma do that now

Andy gets his phone out and starts to type
A few seconds later u get a ping on your phone and sees Andy has texted you

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