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In the morning you wake up and see Andy is gone
You get ready for the day and head down stairs where you see the boys

Andy: Hey Cutie so it awake now
Y/N: Yeah

You both smile at eachother

Sonny: So Rye u were saying something
Rye: Yeah so ok anyways I went upstairs and heard moaning and so I went to the door and heard them going at it
Andy: And who are these people??
Rye: Jack and Chloe

Everyone laughed and looked at the door where they see Jack and Chloe
Chloe goes to u and sits down smiling

Chloe: Hey Y/N wuu2 ??  What's going on??
Y/N: NM just that we all heard you and Jack last night
Jack: So all u guys would do it if u had a girl

Jack stared for a while till Andy interrupts

Andy: Hey can I talk to u privately Y/N
Y/N: Yeah sure

Everyone but u knows what's going on and u see them smile

Andy: Come to the garden with me
Y/N: Ok let's go

U both head to the garden and see a romantic picnic set up


You cry and hug Andy happily

Andy: Sit, Sit I wanna ask you something
Y/N: Ok

You smile then u sit next to Andy and when he takes your hands he says

Andy: Y/N will u be my GF??

You both cry happily and hug until u feel his gentle lips touch yours so u make out for 2 minutes until everyone but Rye comes outside

Sonny: So is it official now??
Andy and Y/N: YES

Everyone cheers and celebrates but u realise Rye wasnt there so u go inside by your self and find him sitting on the sofa with tears in his eyes

Y/N: Hey Rye u ok?
Rye: No, ye, sorta
Y/N: Why what's up?
Rye: Y/N Well I love you but u went for Andy
Y/N: Oh ...

There was a few mins silence when Rye says

Rye: So why him??   Just wondering
Y/N: Well he was the 1st one there and he hit on my first and he offered me to sleep in his bed till I get one myself but now I guess I don't need one
Rye: Oh yeah

You walk out and see Andy so he kisses you

Andy: Ok so i have a nother surprise for you
Y/N: Ok yeah what is it
Andy: Come with me

Andy winks and takes you upstairs
You both get to his room and he kisses you and puts u on the bed

Andy: I wanna do this
Y/N: So do i

You both take of eachothers chlothes and he puts a condom on and puts in it
You feel it sliding and you start to mone so he kisses you to calm you down
You have sex for 4 hours straight then u stop because your both tired then you hug and fall asleep

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2019 ⏰

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