Big news and Cinema trip

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U get a ping on ur phone
You read the messages

Andy🌵: Hey can I tell you something... I've been wanting to tell you this for a whist now but i thought now's the chance
Y/N💖: Yeah Sure what is It?

You start to progress it through then it hits you

Andy🌵: Well I kinda think your really hot and i was wondering if you would go on a date with me this Friday?
Andy🌵: Ok xx
Y/N💖: Also i am right in front of you why did u text?
Andy🌵: Idk ok let's talk now in real life 😂
Y/N💖: Yeah 😂

HE smiles at you so u guys get a little closer and all of a sudden you stop cause Rye walks into the room

Rye: Hey guys wuu2??
Andy: Erm nothing nothing
Rye: Oh ok

U and Andy look at eachother then back at Rye

Rye: So me and the boys were wondering if you guys want to come to the cinema with us and Y/N if u want you can sit next to me and Brook
Y/N: Sure I would love to come and Andy if u come I will sit next to u ok
Andy: Sure and Rye can be the other side if you
Rye: Brill, ok let's get ready to head out

Rye leave and you look at Andy wondering what was going on before Rye came in and then u just looked at eachother and walked to the boys in the car

Sonny: Ok let's go to the cinema
All: Yeah wooooow

A few mins have passed and u are sitting next to Jack and Andy and because u were all sharing a blanket because of how cold it was u feel a hand reaching out for yours and then holding it tight so u look up and see Andy smiling with delight

Andy: So what are we watching??
Brook: Oh it's this movie with Tom Holland in it and it's called 'Spiderman homecoming' and he plays Spider-Man
Y/N: Oh I've seen it, it's AWESOME
Rye: Oh ok but no spoilers

U all laugh until u reach the cinema
U got out the car and because you are cold Andy shares his blanket with you

Andy: Don't want you getting cold ok, share my blanket
Y/N: Thanks

You smile at eachother
You all walk into the cinema room and find your seats so u sit with Andy and Rye

10 mins later the movie starts and because you have seen it before, about half way through it you fall asleep but on Ryes shoulder but no one seemed to mind

After you wake up the movie ends and Andy helps you up to leave
You get back to the car and in the drive home everyone was talking about the movie and how great it was and everything like that but when you looked at Rye he didn't look happy by he looked upset so u speak to him

Y/N: He py Rye are u ok??
Rye: Yeah I'm just tired that's all
Y/N: Oh ok

U soon arrive back at the house and Andy gives you a hand out the car and u all went inside
U feel a hand reaching out for your shoulder and u turn around to see Jack standing there

Jack: Hey, Andy wants to know if u wanted to sleep in his room tonight
Y/N: Yeah, tell him I'll be right up soon I just needa get a drink
Jack: Oh ok, oh and 1 last ting before I go, just letting you k ow that when u were asleep on Ryes shoulder he said to me that he had feelings or you
Y/N: Oh

You are speechless and then Jack adds

Jack: And I'm the 1 who moved you to Andy's shoulder because Rye wenr Toilet, just letting yo know
Y/N: Oh ok thanks Jack

HE gives you a hug and he heads upstairs so u go to the kitchen and get a drink but u see Rye by the fridge

Rye: Hey Y/N I heard what Jack told u
Y/N: Oh ...
Rye: And i meant it
Y/N: I'm sorry but I just ... I just don't see you in that way

Rye looks sad so u grab your drink and head to Andy's room where u see a blow up bed on the floor

Andy: Hey Y/N You can sleep on my bed ok, hence why the blow up mattress is up and it's also up for other reasons
Y/N: Oh ok but whg dont u just share the bed with me i dont mind, after all it is YOUR bed
Andy: You sure? Oh ok

You both get into the bed and fall straight to sleep

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