Lost Souls

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   Yeah, I know, lame title, but hey, it intrested you enough to read this, right?  Or even if you're think this is lame and you are clicking the back button right now, think about it. Don't you want to know the story of my life? Or at least find out why I name my story that? I f you do then congratulations, I'm gonna tell you everything...

   Ok, fist things first, my name's Reim, I'm now turning 17, and I'm a lost soul. Now you're thinking, "Oh, lost soul, isn't everyone when they're 17?" But, no, I'm different. When I was in the middle of the reincarnation process, I somehow slipped out of the line and now on the run from the gods and angels.

   Lost souls are people who slipped out of the reincarnation line and are on the hideout with all of their memories from past lives seeming like the person they were before they died, generally looking the age of 16 to 23. They are quite rare and when one gets out and they gods and angels get so riled up that they start man hunting (or ghost hunting in my case) everywhere and erase the soul so it can't happen again.

   So here I am, looking like Reim Gerace, in Paris, France, hiding from the gods. Seems tiring, huh? Well it is. I haven't got a good night's sleep in over a month. Always hiding and running and chasing after other lost souls that got away and have long since been ignored.

   The oldest lost soul I've found so far was a man named Danny (funny, huh, like Danny Fantom) and he was over 467 years old. Seeing how we live forever because we have no bodies to age and rot, I saw that as a pretty good accomplishment. He lived through 12 different lives before he got out of the line and started wandering. It was quite early for him to get out of the line. It took me 31 lives until I got out of the line. Some people who have had more lives than both of us combined are still in the line. It's just a lucky draw. I still don't get why I was picked, though. I guess the Fates had something planned for the lazy, shy, pushover person I get to call me. Currently, I'm the youngest lost soul on the human plane.

   Anyway, on with the story of my life, or should I say lives...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2012 ⏰

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